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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Documentary | Metafilter
Topic: Movies 7:15 pm EST, Feb  2, 2005

] The Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Documentary is going to be
] an interesting project. Filmmaker Eric Steel applied for
] a permit to film the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco
] for a year, saying he was trying to "capture the
] grandeur" of the bridge. But what he actually ended up
] doing was capture 19 suicides and many attempts. He is
] now working on a feature-length documentary about these
] suicides, and has 100 hours of interviews with family
] members, psychiatrists, and some of the people who
] attempted suicide but didn't follow through. Now that
] he's revealed what his documentary is and what it will be
] about, a lot of people are pretty ticked off.

Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Documentary | Metafilter

New York Daily News - Fear rabbi gave tots herpes
Topic: Society 7:14 pm EST, Feb  2, 2005

] City health officials are investigating whether a baby
] boy died after contracting herpes from the rabbi who
] circumcised him, the Daily News has learned.
] The probe was launched after city officials realized that
] three infants in the city who tested positive for herpes
] last year all were circumcised by Rabbi Yitzchok Fischer.
] The Rockland County-based Fischer is a prominent mohel -
] someone who performs religious circumcisions.
] Under Jewish law, a mohel is supposed to draw blood from
] the circumcision wound to remove impurities. While many
] mohels do it by hand, Fischer uses a practice little
] known outside ultra-Orthodox communities called metzizah
] bi peh, in which the mohel uses his mouth.

New York Daily News - Fear rabbi gave tots herpes

Open-source honchos trash software patents | CNET
Topic: Intellectual Property 4:08 am EST, Feb  2, 2005

] "If you could not patent software algorithms or ideas,
] how much of the money spent on writing software would go
] away? How much innovation would disappear? How much
] investment in that innovation would disappear? I don't
] think any would disappear," Behlendorf said.

Open-source honchos trash software patents | CNET

AP News Photo - Captured GI (hoax)
Topic: Current Events 3:06 pm EST, Feb  1, 2005

] This image of what appears to be a captured US soldier
] was posted on an Iraqi militant website, Tuesday Feb. 1,
] 2005. According to the website, the militants threatened
] to behead the hostage in 72 hours unless the Americans
] release Iraqi prisoners. The claim could not be
] verified.(AP Photo)

This is obviously an action figure, and not a real person. You have seriously got to be kidding me. People are actually taking this seriously.

Update: I've been asked to post my rationale.

Look at the toy gun. With the handle affixed to the bottom of the barrel's heat shield, that's on every action figure gun so you have a way to attach it to the toy's hands. I'm pretty sure such handles are not standard issue on M16's, which that doesn't even fully resemble. I can't see the action release or the safety, which should be visible on the left side. Also, notice the toy's hands are behind its back, as they would be an obvious give away. (That could be explained by tied up hands, given.) The rifle is also being held by the stock off camera, which adds to the sketchiness. In past pictures they have not been paranoid enough to not show hands. Furthermore, in past pictures insurgents have stood behind the captures looking all threatening holding guns and knives, wearing masks. There must not have been any insurgent action figures available.

The vest on the figure goes not fit tightly, as a GI uniform would. The chest appears to bulge out too far.

The eyes don't look right. Neither does the skin tone.

The sitting position doesn't look natural to a human as much as to an action figure.

The way the right edge of the fabric banner is frayed seems too bushy for the size it would have to be.

AP News Photo - Captured GI (hoax)

The State of the Union Address Drinking Game 2005
Topic: Humor 10:59 am EST, Feb  1, 2005

Here are the rules you will follow on Feb 2nd.

This is will be the point in time it becomes clear the only reason Bush is pushing the doomed to fail effort to privatize Social Security is so he will have something to talk about other then Iraq and Terror. He is so comfortable saying the word "security" that it was natural.

The State of the Union Address Drinking Game 2005

Breaking a Visual CAPTCHA
Topic: Technology 2:54 am EST, Feb  1, 2005

] This is the homepage of the Shape Contexts based approach
] to break Gimpy, the CAPTCHA test used at Yahoo! to screen
] out bots. Our method can successfully pass that test 92%
] of the time. See EZ-Gimpy in action at Yahoo! The
] approach we take uses general purpose algorithms that
] have been designed for generic object recognition. The
] same basic ideas have been applied to finding people in
] images, matching handwritten digits, and recognizing 3D
] objects.

Coming soon, turing tests and background checks.

Breaking a Visual CAPTCHA

Times Online - Chairman Kim’s dissolving kingdom
Topic: Current Events 4:04 am EST, Jan 31, 2005

] In interviews for this article over many months, western
] policymakers, Chinese experts, North Korean exiles and
] human rights activists built up a picture of a tightly
] knit clan leadership in Pyongyang that is on the verge of
] collapse.
] Some of those interviewed believe the "Dear Leader",
] Kim Jong-il, has already lost his personal authority to a
] clique of generals and party cadres. Without any public
] announcement, governments from Tokyo to Washington are
] preparing for a change of regime.

Times Online - Chairman Kim’s dissolving kingdom Bill Gates ditching dollar
Topic: Business 3:55 am EST, Jan 31, 2005

] Bill Gates, whose net worth of $46.6 billion makes him
] the world's richest person, is betting against the U.S.
] dollar.
] ``I'm short the dollar,'' Gates, chairman of Microsoft
] Corp., told Charlie Rose in an interview late yesterday
] at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. ``The
] ol' dollar, it's gonna go down.''

... at the point he divests his holdings to Euro, the US Gov should start dropping MS software contracts. Bill Gates ditching dollar

Yahoo! News - Security Force in Iraq As of 1/19/05
Topic: Current Events 3:49 am EST, Jan 31, 2005

] Security Force as of 1/19/05 Planned Trained Percent

] Iraqi Police Service 135,000 55,059 41
] Civil Intervention Force 4,920 2,862 58
] Emergency Response Unit 270 205 76
] Border Enforcement 28,360 14,786 52
] Dignitary Protection 500 484 97
] Highway Patrol 6,300 354 6
] Overall Interior Ministry 175,350 73,750 42
] Army 24,425 7,598 31
] National Guard 61,904 36,827 59
] Intervention Force 6,360 5,884 93
] Special Operations Force 1,967 674 34
] Air Force 453 145 32
] Navy 582 495 85

] Overall Military 95,691 51,623 54
] Overall Security forces 271,041 125,373 46

Yahoo! News - Security Force in Iraq As of 1/19/05

Should Your Next CEO Be a Philosopher? - Knowledge@Wharton
Topic: Business 1:15 am EST, Jan 30, 2005

] Tolkowsky suggests that Europeans saw air flight as a
] threat to the established social order. If people could
] fly, what would become of state sovereignty? The socially
] structured Europe couldn't bear this thought. It took a
] couple of American boys, living in an unstructured
] frontier society, to shed an unyielding philosophy that
] blocked a technological leap.

] Tolkowsky suggests that the notion of "corporate
] culture" unavoidably includes the manner in which the
] corporation interprets the meanings of its technological
] assets. Executives today realize that one of the most
] challenging facets of their job is to manage corporate
] culture. But, argues Tolkowsky, "they should be aware
] that managing corporate culture includes the art of
] 'belief management.'" 

Should Your Next CEO Be a Philosopher? - Knowledge@Wharton

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