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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Morris's Internet Worm Source Code
Topic: Computer Security 2:50 am EST, Feb  8, 2005

The complete commented source code of Robert Morris's worm, which brought the Internet to its knees in 1988

Morris's Internet Worm Source Code

Shmoo DNS attack
Topic: Computer Security 3:54 pm EST, Feb  7, 2005

Essentially the issue is that you can register domain names using international character sets that look exactly like English, and obtain SSL certificates for them, and it is extremely difficult for the end user to be able to tell that he/she isn’t dealing with the English website. Working example of demonstrated.

Shmoo DNS attack

The Observer | How I entered the hellish world of Guantanamo Bay
Topic: War on Terrorism 12:48 am EST, Feb  7, 2005

] The seemingly interminable questioning had already lasted
] for hours. 'I needed the toilet,' Mubanga said, 'and I
] asked the interrogator to let me go. But he just said,
] "you'll go when I say so". I told him he had five minutes
] to get me to the toilet or I was going to go on the
] floor. He left the room. Finally, I squirmed across the
] floor and did it in the corner, trying to minimise the
] mess. I suppose he was watching through a one-way mirror
] or the CCTV camera. He comes back with a mop and dips it
] in the pool of urine. Then he starts covering me with my
] own waste, like he's using a big paintbrush, working
] methodically, beginning with my feet and ankles and
] working his way up my legs. All the while he's racially
] abusing me, cussing me: "Oh, the poor little negro, the
] poor little nigger." He seemed to think it was funny.'

] Yet Mubanga, though traumatised by his ordeal, believes
] he stayed sane partly because of his growing religious
] faith, and partly because of his rapping. He has a
] provisional title for the album he'd like to record:
] Detainee . He also has a stage name - 10,007, his
] Guantanamo prisoner number. The content of his work is
] strongly political. There were times, Mubanga said, 'that
] I wanted to explode. And when I did, I tried to remember
] Allah, not to use aggression in that way. I never fought
] any of the guards, I never spat at them, or like some
] prisoners did, threw a packet of faeces. A lot of the
] time you go on to autopilot and you just have to tell
] yourself you're still here, it is happening, it is real.
] The golden rule a lot of us had is, if you don't feel
] tired, don't force yourself to sleep, stay active. That's
] why I made myself learn Arabic.

The Observer | How I entered the hellish world of Guantanamo Bay

Engineers get it. Ask Dilbert.
Topic: Intellectual Property 11:36 pm EST, Feb  6, 2005

This is written like its for children, not educated and skilled engineers.

] As an engineer like you, Dilbert was trained to think
] through the consequences of an action. He grasps the
] connection between protection of intellectual property
] and the motivation to innovate and create. Engineers,
] like software developers, want their work product to be
] respected, not copied.
] Yet, a recent poll conducted among professional engineers
] revealed that more than 69 percent believe unlicensed
] commercial software is used in their profession.
] Thirty-two percent believe copyright violations happen in
] their own workplaces. Dilbert understands that this is
] bad for innovation and is just bad business. Support
] innovation and download the free software audit tools,
] the Guide to Software Management, and other helpful
] resources from this site.

Be like Dilbert; be a well licensed tool.

Engineers get it. Ask Dilbert.

Reuters | Poles flood Web to scour secret communist-era files
Topic: Current Events 5:04 am EST, Feb  6, 2005

] Poles have flooded Web sites to view a list of names
] taken from communist-era files made public for the first
] time since the fall of Communism, searching for mentions
] of family members.
] Amid warnings that the record of a certain name on the
] files may not mean the person was an informer or a spy,
] the list -- first distributed by a journalist to
] colleagues at the weekend -- became the most searched
] item on the Web.

] The list covers operatives, potential collaborators and
] victims, with other names simply being mentioned. It is
] unknown who leaked the directory of names onto the Internet.

Reuters | Poles flood Web to scour secret communist-era files | State of the Union Parsing Tool
Topic: Politics and Law 1:21 pm EST, Feb  3, 2005

This web page creates a graphical representation of word usage in Bush's speeches before congress. You can have it map any two words at once. | State of the Union Parsing Tool

Boing Boing: Defense contractors demand royalties on model plane and tank kits
Topic: Intellectual Property 1:10 pm EST, Feb  3, 2005

] Defense contractors are shaking down model airplane and
] tank makers for punishing royalties on their model kits.
] One result is that kit makers are switching to WWI models
] and to models of enemy armaments. Nice going, defense
] contractors, you took our tax dollars and used them to
] rid the market of all military toys except Nazi tanks and
] planes.

[ Nice. Don't miss, further down on the bb main page, this story :
"The Eiffel Tower's likeness had long since been part of the public domain, when in 2003, it was abruptly repossessed by the city of Paris. That's the year that the SNTE, the company charged with maintaining the tower, adorned it with a distinctive lighting display, copyrighted the design, and in one feel swoop, reclaimed the nighttime image and likeness of the most popular monument on earth. In short: they changed the actual likeness of the tower, and then copyrighted that."

Super. -k]

Boing Boing: Defense contractors demand royalties on model plane and tank kits

RADIO FREE EUROPE | Georgian Prime Minister Dies Of Apparent Gas Poisoning
Topic: Current Events 4:11 am EST, Feb  3, 2005

] "According to our information, Mr. Zhvania arrived at his
] friend's apartment at about midnight. His security team
] waited outside for a long time. Since the prime minister
] was not answering either their telephone calls or the
] doorbell, at around 4:00 a.m. or 4:30 a.m. they broke a
] window and discovered the bodies of Mr. Zhvania and his
] friend in the apartment," Merabishvili said.
] "This is a tragic accident. I went to the scene
] personally. We can say this was probably a gas poisoning
] accident. An Iranian-made gas heater was installed in
] that room. The deaths must have occurred instantly. Mr.
] Zhvania was sitting in an armchair and the body of his
] friend was lying in the kitchen. A table was laid with
] food and drinks and a backgammon board was open,"
] Merabishvili said.
] The head of Tbilgazi, the company that supervises gas
] supplies to the Georgian capital, told reporters that his
] specialists found no gas leakage in Yusupov's flat.
] Davit Morchiladze also said the gas heater had been
] installed just two days ago but suggested that there may
] have been a concentration of gas nonetheless, as the
] apartment had apparently not been properly ventilated.

Accident? Or Russian (think Ukraine) style politics?

RADIO FREE EUROPE | Georgian Prime Minister Dies Of Apparent Gas Poisoning

State of the Union 2005
Topic: Politics and Law 10:44 pm EST, Feb  2, 2005

This is the page for the SOTU. Texts, webcasts, "photo essays", summary, etc..

State of the Union 2005

Pet's Mobility - Moble phones for dogs
Topic: Technology 7:18 pm EST, Feb  2, 2005

Chopper, sic balls!!

Pet's Mobility - Moble phones for dogs

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