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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

NYT | Thomas Friedman: No Mullah Left Behind
Topic: Current Events 11:08 pm EST, Feb 13, 2005

] The Journal quoted Ali Ansari, an Iran specialist at the
] University of St. Andrews in Scotland, as saying that for
] 10 years analysts had been writing about Iran's need for
] economic reform. "In actual fact, the scenario is worse
] now," said Mr. Ansari. "They have all this money with the
] high oil price, and they don't need to do anything about
] reforming the economy." Indeed, The Journal added, the
] conservative mullahs are feeling even more emboldened to
] argue that with high oil prices, Iran doesn't need
] Western investment capital and should feel "free to
] pursue its nuclear power program without interference."

NYT | Thomas Friedman: No Mullah Left Behind - Biometric device can verify age - Feb 10, 2005
Topic: Technology 11:05 pm EST, Feb 13, 2005

] A leading security company is exploring technology for
] verifying whether a user is a child or an adult by
] analyzing a bone in a person's finger. - Biometric device can verify age - Feb 10, 2005

Two arrested with marijuana, guns - The Sidelines - News
Topic: Local Information 9:46 pm EST, Feb 10, 2005

] University police found assault rifles and more than one
] ounce of marijuana during a traffic stop early Monday
] morning.

] Officer Jason Myatt stopped a Ford Expedition around
] 1 a.m. Feb. 7 after it made an illegal u-turn on MTSU
] Boulevard, according to the police report.

] The weapons included a Model 26 Glock semiautomatic
] handgun, a Stag Arms AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, a
] Russian-made AK-47. Police also found $1,250 cash.

That is some pretty serious hardware to have on campus. Sounds like they were dealing as well.

I like this quote about assault weapon carrying potheads:

] Glenn said that MTSU is an extremely safe campus, but
] that in his experience, but that people who carry assault
] weapons are on different plane.
] "They don't see the world like you and I do," Glenn said.
] "It's not a response to a threat on their part; it's a whole
] different way of looking at the world."

Two arrested with marijuana, guns - The Sidelines - News

BBC | North Korea: We got nukes, phbttt
Topic: Current Events 3:25 pm EST, Feb 10, 2005

] Second. The US disclosed its attempt to topple the
] political system in the DPRK at any cost, threatening it
] with a nuclear stick. This compels us to take a measure
] to bolster its nuclear weapons arsenal in order to
] protect the ideology, system, freedom and democracy
] chosen by its people.
] It is the spirit of the Korean people true to the Songun
] politics to respond to good faith and the use of force in
] kind.
] We had already taken the resolute action of pulling out
] of the NPT and have manufactured nukes for self-defence
] to cope with the Bush administration's evermore
] undisguised policy to isolate and stifle the DPRK.
] Its nuclear weapons will remain nuclear deterrent for
] self-defence under any circumstances.

They have tested numerous missiles as well. If they do have a working device, its likely deliverable. Not good.

BBC | North Korea: We got nukes, phbttt

Hackers sued for tinkering with Xbox games
Topic: Intellectual Property 11:22 am EST, Feb 10, 2005

] In the first case of its kind, a California video game
] maker is suing an entire community of software tinkerers
] for reverse engineering and modifying Xbox games that
] they legally purchased.

] The harm isn't just to the wholesome values of Dead or
] Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, hinted Tecmo spokesperson
] Melody Pfeiffer. There's a principle at stake. "Hackers,
] if they're allowed to do this kind of thing, will be
] allowed to hack into any game, anywhere," Pfeiffer warns.
] "We spent millions of dollars to develop these games, and
] people are coming in and changing the code to their
] liking, and that's illegal."

Ok, so let me make sure I have this straight... Because a very small segment of the user market is making and using game modifications that modify characters, we gotta make a trip to the fair use rights grinder. This has been going on for over a decade, going back to the dawn of computer games. How is an after-market for video game mods is such a threat? Unless people are selling the mods, they can only attract more people to buying the game.

If the characters being inserted into the game were in violation of someone's trademark, I could see it as being a reasonable thing to get in a huff over. Otherwise, this is trivial and an undue attempt to restrict users' rights and privileges.

] A message on reports the site was taken
] down on January 25th, a few days after the lawsuit was
] filed. Greiling did not return a phone message Wednesday.
] In a telephone interview, Glynn said he hosted
] as a favor to Greiling, but that he had
] no other interaction with the site or its users.
] "Basically, I was hosting this website," Glynn says. "I
] don't own an Xbox and I wasn't into modding or skinning
] things."

And your bonus chilling effect of the day is the loss of another online community, and a reminder to anyone who runs one, that we are the bitch of anyone with a team of lawyers and large cash flow.

Hackers sued for tinkering with Xbox games

Off The Shelf - Stealing is cheaper than downloading
Topic: Society 10:51 am EST, Feb 10, 2005

] But from what I can tell, the penalties laid out for
] downloading one season of a TV show with BitTorrent are
] much harsher than if you actually stole a DVD set of the
] same show from a government store. I lay out a practical
] example in detail below, but to cut to the chase: For
] stealing the DVD you could face no more than up to 1 year
] imprisonment and up to a $100,000 fine; for downloading
] the same material you could face statutory damages of up
] to $3,300,000, costs and attorney's fees (ie: the other
] guy's attorneys), as well as up to 1 year imprisonment,
] and up to a $100,000 fine.

A legal analysis of the punishments set forth for shoplifting a physical item versus downloading a TV show off of bit torrent. Links to all applicable case law are provided.

Off The Shelf - Stealing is cheaper than downloading

Mapping Google Maps
Topic: Web Design 3:30 am EST, Feb 10, 2005

] By now, many of you will have gone and tried out the new
] Google Maps application. By and large, you have to admit
] that it's pretty damned slick for a DHTML web application
] -- even my wife was impressed, and that's not easy with
] geek toys. So, in the spirit of Google Suggest and GMail,
] I've decided to have a quick peek under the hood to
] figure out what makes it tick.

A review of Google's web ninja technique.

Mapping Google Maps

AskJeeves Steps Into RSS with Bloglines Acquisiton
Topic: Blogging 1:44 pm EST, Feb  8, 2005

] Because nothing says "legitimate" like blog.

Best Slashdot Comment Ever.

AskJeeves Steps Into RSS with Bloglines Acquisiton

Google Maps
Topic: Technology 10:58 am EST, Feb  8, 2005

Google Maps is extremely cool. Great interface. The maps are very good, however they are missing a few things, such as the direction of one way streets. It also does not support Safari yet.

Google Maps - Iran's ex-president: U.S should show goodwill
Topic: Current Events 3:45 am EST, Feb  8, 2005

] In a rare and exclusive interview in Tehran Sunday, Ali
] Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Iran's former president and the
] consensus frontrunner in June's presidential elections,
] talked with USA TODAY's Barbara Slavin about U.S.-Iranian
] relations, al-Qaeda, and Iran's alleged nuclear bomb
] program. - Iran's ex-president: U.S should show goodwill

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