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Spontaneous Sociability and The Enthymeme


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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

eBay item - Electric Shock Cattle Prod NORESERVE!!! L@@K!
Topic: Humor 10:18 pm EST, Mar 16, 2005

] Due to the fact that Jonnyx has been unresponsive to
] email and voicemail for over 48 hours we are proud to be
] able to make this once in a lifetime offer directly to
] YOU! Item is a slightly used Electric Cattle Prod that
] has been blessed by the Reverend Pope Jonny Anonymous
] himself!!! Item delivers high voltage shocks upon
] application!

My cattle-prod technique is unstoppable.

eBay item - Electric Shock Cattle Prod NORESERVE!!! L@@K!

eBay item - Haunted Nintendo Entertainment System - Paranormal NES
Topic: Games 2:45 am EST, Mar 15, 2005

] When I purchased this Unit I asked the owner of the shop
] about who brought the System in, and what he actually
] told me was that a gentleman had donated it that same
] morning and said "It was just sitting in his attic", and
] according to him, it supposedly belonged to his son who
] passed away years ago.

] I brought this System home, and on the first night of
] playing, about 10 minutes into the game, I began hearing
] sounds similar to human voices, mumbling to the
] background music of the television.

] On 3 separate occasions I've had the game 'Pause' by
] itself, without having my finger anywhere near the 'Start'
] button of the controller, and the really suspicious thing
] about it was the fact the timing of the Pause always
] happened to be during an intense moment of a game,
] as if the intentions were made for me to lose.

] And not only with me. I've invited close friends and family
] members over, and some but not all have witnessed
] something strange happen, like the one time the 'Arrow
] icon' on the Main Options screen of a game actually moved
] down to 2 Player Mode, all while the controller was out
] of my hand.

] Even my cat won't go anywhere near this System, unless
] she's 5 feet away and hesitating to sniff at it, and not only
] that, she's been running back and forth through the house
] in the middle of the night during the past few weeks, and
] that's something she's never done in the entire 8 years
] that I've owned her.

] I sincerely believe there may be some form of strong
] connection or attachment between this system and its
] previous owner.

Currently priced at $152.50. This has Laughing Boy written all over it.


eBay item - Haunted Nintendo Entertainment System - Paranormal NES

Yahoo! (Washington Post) - Creative Commons Is Rewriting Rules of Copyright
Topic: Intellectual Property 2:38 am EST, Mar 15, 2005

] When Chuck D and the Fine Arts Militia released their
] latest single, "No Meaning No," several months ago, they
] didn't try to stop people from circulating free copies on
] the Internet. They encouraged it.
] They posted the entire 3-minute, 12-second song and its
] various vocal, drum and guitar components online and
] invited everyone to view, copy, mix, remix, sample,
] imitate, parody and even criticize it.

Yahoo! (Washington Post) - Creative Commons Is Rewriting Rules of Copyright

BarlowFriendz: The Infrastructure of Democracy: Strengthening the Open Internet for a Safer World
Topic: Cyber-Culture 11:33 pm EST, Mar 14, 2005

] The good work at hand is called The International Summit
] on Democracy, Terrorism, and Security. It feel a little
] like the World Economic Forum, though smaller and more
] focused. The security is intense and the press is
] excluded.( Though, interestingly, I am posting these
] words from inside a session, along with the many other
] bloggers.)
] I fear, that despite enough good intentions to pave a
] superhighway to hell, not much is likely to come from
] this. Everyone seems to be playing we within the
] boundaries of his usual rule set. I have yet to hear
] anyone say something that seemed likely to mitigate the
] idiocy of this age.
] And I'm no better in this regard. I spent all damned day
] yesterday in session with many of the stars of
] Cyberspace, folks like Joichi Ito, John Gage, Dan
] Gillmor, David Weinberger, Ethan Zuckerman, Marc
] Rotenberg, Andrew Mclaughlin, Rebecca MacKinnon, etc.
] etc. Laboring long and loud, we collectively produced the
] following statement:

Click and read on.

BarlowFriendz: The Infrastructure of Democracy: Strengthening the Open Internet for a Safer World

Meme Maps for 'Jeremy', 'Decius', and 'Rattle', September 2001 - March 2005
Topic: MemeStreams 7:11 pm EST, Mar 14, 2005

These are histograms of the timestamps for all entries posted to three MemeStreams:

Jeremy, from the first post on October 8, 2001 through the post previous to this one on March 12, 2005;

Decius, from the first post on September 5, 2001 through the latest post on March 11, 2005; and

Rattle, from the first post on September 8, 2001 through the latest post on March 8, 2005.

You'll notice significant differences among the three graphs.

The X axis shows time of day (in Pacific time). Each day of the week is shown in a different row and color along the Y axis. The height of each bar in the Z axis represents the cumulative number of posts bearing a timestamp of the corresponding day and time.

Meme Maps for 'Jeremy', 'Decius', and 'Rattle', September 2001 - March 2005 | Al Qaeda targeted *cough* Russell Crowe
Topic: Movies 12:38 am EST, Mar  9, 2005

] Oscar-winning actor Russell Crowe said he may have been a
] target of an al Qaeda kidnap plot in early 2001, part of
] a bid by the militant network to "culturally destabilize"
] the United States.
] The Australia-based Crowe told GQ magazine in an
] interview that he received FBI protection throughout the
] filming of "A Beautiful Mind" and for part of "Master and
] Commander: The Far Side of the World." He also was
] flanked by undercover agents at the Golden Globe awards
] ceremony in 2001.

/me scratches head.

What the FUCK? I'm not even sure where to begin with this one. For starters, he is a New Zealand born Australian, not an American. Second, .. Screw it, its pointless.

This has got to be a PR gimmick. | Al Qaeda targeted *cough* Russell Crowe

Doonesbury - Uncle Duke's head explodes
Topic: Arts 11:47 pm EST, Mar  8, 2005

Trudeau has finally gotten around to addressing the passing of HST in Doonesbury. Check the comic before the linked one as well.

Doonesbury - Uncle Duke's head explodes

Engadget | HOW-TO: Make your own annotated multimedia Google map
Topic: Web Design 11:26 pm EST, Mar  8, 2005

] One of the great things about Google maps is it has its
] roots in XML. To translate for the non-web developers out
] there, it basically means Google maps are user hackable.
] This how-to will show you how to make your own annotated
] Google map from your own GPS data. Plus, you'll be able
] to tie in images and video to create an interactive
] multimedia map. We'll walk you through the steps we
] took to generate an annotated map of a walk we took
] recently through our hometown, now that it's actually
] starting to get warm enough to want to walk about!

Engadget | HOW-TO: Make your own annotated multimedia Google map

Boing Boing: U.N. landmine commerical won't air in US.
Topic: Technology 10:47 pm EST, Mar  7, 2005

] A U.N. commercial depicts American girls playing in a
] soccer match. A girl steps on a landmine and there's a
] big explosion. Kids get blown apart. CNN and other
] networks don't want to air the ad.

Landmines would make football more interesting as well. I think CNN should ride the wave here.

Boing Boing: U.N. landmine commerical won't air in US.

Guardian Unlimited | Buffett attacks American spending junkies
Topic: Business 2:59 pm EST, Mar  7, 2005

] Warren Buffett, one of the world's most successful
] investors, has launched his most withering attack to date
] on the US trade deficit, describing Americans as "rich
] spending junkies" who could turn into a nation of
] "sharecroppers".

Contrast this with another choice. Music: Download and own? Or subscribe and stream.

Guardian Unlimited | Buffett attacks American spending junkies

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