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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Scientists Say Everyone Can Read Minds
Topic: Science 9:21 pm EDT, Apr 28, 2005

] Some scientists now believe they may have finally
] discovered its root. We're all essentially mind readers,
] they say.

So, how well have you developed your sixth sense?

Scientists Say Everyone Can Read Minds

Wired News: Podcasting Killed the Radio Star
Topic: Media 11:47 pm EDT, Apr 27, 2005

] Podcasting will soon break out of the "pod" and onto the
] public airwaves.
] The world's first all-podcast radio station will be
] launched on May 16 by Infinity Broadcasting, the radio
] division of Viacom.

Read as: They are going to play Podcasts.

] In addition to the newfound reach promised by radio
] broadcast, podcasters may be free to include in their
] podcasts some music from major record labels, Infinity said.
] The company said it plans to cover the cost of music-licensing
] fees, which are prohibitively high for most individuals.
] In part because of licensing requirements, which usually cover
] only broadcast and streaming, the company has no plans to
] provide downloadable program archives.

Got programming? Infinity has transmitters..

] Hollander said Infinity does not plan to assert ownership
] claims on content submitted by podcasters, who will remain
] free to publish their podcasts on the internet -- or anywhere
] else they choose.
] "They can give it to us and give it to somebody else, because
] we're not taking anything away from them," Hollander said.
] "We're just helping them reach a broader audience with
] our bandwidth."

There is where the Podcasting space starts to get interesting.

Wired News: Podcasting Killed the Radio Star

Google and MSN search comparison
Topic: Technology 3:48 pm EDT, Apr 26, 2005

According to research by Ivor Hewitt, MSN Search skews its results based upon web server software. If you are running ISS, you are more likely to show up in the first page of results. He has compared MSN with Google, Yahoo, and Teoma, all with roughly the same findings. His research is ongoing.

Google and MSN search comparison

Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization?
Topic: Humor 3:32 pm EDT, Apr 26, 2005

Answer: Princess Diana's death.

Question: How come?

Answer: An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whiskey, followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles, treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines!And this is sent to you by an American, using Bill Gates' technology Which he enjoyed stealing from the Japanese. And you are probably reading this on one of the IBM clones that use Taiwanese-made chips, and Korean-made monitors, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by lorries driven by Indians, hijacked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, trucked by Mexican illegal aliens, and finally sold to you.

That, my friend, is Globalization! Finally, an explanation in English.

Pointed out via someone on the SE2600 mailing list. I'm pretty sure this is old, but its still relevant and funny.

Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization?

Orion Multisystems ships 96-processor workstation | CNET
Topic: Computers 3:13 am EDT, Apr 26, 2005

] Start-up Orion Multisystems has begun shipping computers
] for those engineers, graphic designers and biologists who
] need 96 processors and 192GB of memory at their desks.

I just bought one of these. Its nice. It doesn't get bogged down like my Dual G5 does when I have a dozen or so web browsers open displaying porn sites with animated banners. Java apps still run slow. My room is noticeably warmer.

Orion Multisystems ships 96-processor workstation | CNET

BetterBadNews | Fun With Self Surveillance
Topic: Blogging 3:44 am EDT, Apr 25, 2005

...its so turbo charged that it knows what I think about most of the blogs I subscribe to, so I can read 57,000 blogs in just under 8 hours a day. It saves me alot of time that doesn't really exist anyway.

Its in my archive, and its in your archive. An entire reputation profile can be constructed from it. So watch what you say, and then say it anyway.

BetterBadNews | Fun With Self Surveillance - A traveling geek's gilded dream - Apr 22, 2005
Topic: Travel 5:16 pm EDT, Apr 23, 2005

] The German Kempinski chain, which manages the Emirates
] Palace, aims to use its technological infrastructure to
] attract government conferences, especially those needing
] tight network security.

] That ability was a top draw for February's international
] arms trade show, where defense officials from several
] countries wanted secrecy and secure telephones for
] weapons deals, Coeshott said.

] The hotel's network already has a full-time security officer
] who monitors its 16 firewalls and intrusion detection
] systems. The staff is working to win accreditation used
] by the British banking system, Coeshott said.

] On special request, the computer and broadcast network
] -- and its 3.5 terabyte storage network -- can be cut
] off completely from the outside world, like the U.S.
] government's secure intranet, he said.

] Guests in the hotel's 394 bedrooms, where nightly rates
] range from $600 to $12,000, get a handheld computer
] to interact with the television, stereo and 30 separate
] lights in each room. The $2,500 Linux-based AMX
] handheld, with an 8-inch color screen, can also arrange
] a wake-up call, download a movie, record a TV show
] or call for maid service.

Sounds like a great place for a hacker con. - A traveling geek's gilded dream - Apr 22, 2005

Dinosaur Jr Back Together
Topic: Music 3:57 pm EDT, Apr 21, 2005

Dinosaur Jr has reunited and is going to embark on a tour. I know a few MemeStreamers will be quite happy about this.

07-08 Atlanta, GA - Variety Playhouse

Dinosaur Jr Back Together

Nashville Police to install city wide video surveillance system.
Topic: Surveillance 8:02 pm EDT, Apr 20, 2005

] Initially, police will place six cameras in the Cleveland
] Park area of east Nashville and also downtown in the
] tourist-heavy Second Avenue and Broadway district.
] If the system works out, the department plans to buy more
] cameras and build a more expansive network throughout the
] city.

There were planning to record audio as well, but apparently they couldn't defend that politically. Soon everywhere you go outside the police will be watching you. Better be carefull about loitering in a parking lot. Especially if you look like you might be young or not sufficiently white or otherwise undesirable. I wonder if they'll start following people from bars back to their cars and radio dispatch to pull them over?

This isn't going on in Nashville because it is particularly needed in Nashville. Its going on in Nashville because people in Nashville aren't willing to resist it.

Nashville Police to install city wide video surveillance system. - Politics - DeLay Calls Justice Kennedy 'Outrageous'
Topic: Politics and Law 8:02 pm EDT, Apr 20, 2005

] "We've got Justice Kennedy writing decisions based upon
] international law, not the Constitution of the United
] States. That's just outrageous, and not only that, he
] said in session that he does his own research on the
] Internet. That is just incredibly outrageous,"
DeLay said
] in the interview.

Tom Delay death spiral watch. This is Fox news. Fox news closed with a quote from a Democrat saying that they need to get Delay out of the public sphere for a little while and let him cool off. Fox news.

How dare judges attempt to research questions that are presented to them! Delay's position is that judges shouldn't be interested in the truth, per say. They shouldn't seek out objective perspectives on matters they need to consider. Rather they should be beholden to the power and money that drives the "democratic" government.

Delay wants to use the "good behavior" text in Article III Section I to bring all federal judges under fine grained political control.

He seems to be operating under the perception that the American people don't realize that the legislature is corrupt, or that politicians are bought and sold, or that people think that judges ought to live in a bubble. He is wrong on all counts, and he is starting to sound like a fool. - Politics - DeLay Calls Justice Kennedy 'Outrageous'

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