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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Al'Q Europe Claims Responsibility for 7/7 London Bombing
Topic: War on Terrorism 8:43 am EDT, Jul  7, 2005

The following is a translation from an islamist website linked with Al-Queda found via the linked blog.

Jamaat al-Tandheem Al-Sierri (secret organization group)
Organization of Qaeda't al-Jihad in Europe

In the name of God the most merciful...

Rejoice the nation of Islam, rejoice nation of Arabs, the time of revenge has come for the crusaders' Zionist British government.

As retaliation for the massacres which the British commit in Iraq and Afghanistan, the mujahideen have successfully done it this time in London.

And this is Britain now burning from fear and panic from the north to the south, from the east to the west.

We have warned the brutish governments and British nation many times.

And here we are, we have done what we have promised. We have done a military operation after heavy work and planning, which the mujahideen have done, and it has taken a long time to ensure the success of this operation.

And we still warn the government of Denmark and Italy, all the crusader governments, that they will have the same punishment if they do not pull their forces out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

So beware.

Thursday 7/7/2005
Jamaat al-Tandheem Al-Sierri (secret organization group)
Organization of al Qaeda't al-Jihad in Europe.

Al'Q Europe Claims Responsibility for 7/7 London Bombing

London Terror Attack - 7/7
Topic: War on Terrorism 5:51 am EDT, Jul  7, 2005

Bombs in subways. Bomb in buses. All details fuzzy. Story obviously being managed.

WikiNews is on it. Here is a Google News link.

Here is one particular disturbing pic of some people trapped in the underground in a station filled with smoke.

People in London are saying on IRC that cell phones are not working.

The original BBC story on the explosions said it was an electrical explosion. They recently changed the story's lead to say there was a bomb on both a bus and the underground. It is ironic that in the first hours after the WTC bombing, it was believed to be a transformer explosion.

News stations are now saying it was definitely a coordinated attack. Very little information is being released right now. It is very clear big shit is going down.

Early picture of one bus. At least 20 said dead. Reports of two other bus explosions. Another bus explosion pic.

European markets plummeting.

The London Police Commissioner has asked the media not to speculate. I feel safe making the assumption that this is a terrorist attack, I'll leave it at that for now.

If you work in NYC, I suggest that you wait till noon to go to work.

Blair just gave a statement. Its officially terrorism.

For those picking up on this as they wake up, here is a timeline of events so far.

I don't have cable where I live. grr..

Land of the Dead (2005)
Topic: Movies 4:38 am EDT, Jul  7, 2005

The living dead have taken over the world, and the last humans live in a walled city to protect themselves as they come to grips with the situation.

I finally saw this last night. In every way, this is made for fans of zombie movies. To add to the experience, there was a guy in the movie theater purposely being creepy and making zombie noises throughout the film.

Afterward, I thought of one thing I would love to see in a future zombie movie. Nanochick, our resident bio-science superstar might have to bump up my understanding of the way this could work, but it might be possible to spin a pretty reasonable bullshit on zombies being the product of a prion based protein infection. We need good psudo-science in movies. Its important. It inspires the mad scientists and hackers of tomorrow.

"Its those government prions man. One of those things bite you, you get them bad prions. All your proteins folded. Takes an hour."

If I happen to be on to something here, and this falls into the hands of someone who becomes inspired to create a zombification prion and set it loose... I've always felt that the zombification of the world should start in Texas. I'm not sure why, it just feels right.

Land of the Dead (2005)

Negativland: No Business Video [torrent] (200M)
Topic: Intellectual Property 3:53 am EDT, Jul  7, 2005

On June 27th, 2005, the Supreme Court issued a long awaited decision in MGM vs. Grokster that states that P2P software manufacturers can be held liable for the infringing activities of people who use their software.

On July 4th, 2005, Negativland, in collaboration with film maker James Gladman,  issues a P2P video reply directly into P2P networks, using P2P as a distribution mechanism for new work of topical content. This new video, called NO BUSINESS, is made almost entirely out of other people's previous cultural creations.

With this holiday gesture, Negativland urges an increased concern for cultural philosophy in the Supreme Court, and more skepticism towards the presumptions of the cultural law makers of commerce.

Download this torrent right now. Watch it immediately after the torrent completes.

Negativland: No Business Video [torrent] (200M)

(Snail) Mail Forwarding
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:19 pm EDT, Jul  6, 2005

If anyone happens to know anywhere that has reasonably priced (read as: cheaper then dirt) mail forwarding services, please let me know.

Update: Sorry this originally was posted multiple times. My connection was flaking at the time.

Reuters | Prosecutor pushes for jail for journalists in leak case
Topic: Politics and Law 1:26 pm EDT, Jul  6, 2005

"Journalists are not entitled to promise confidentiality -- no one in America is," Fitzgerald, a U.S. Justice Department prosecutor, wrote in one of the court filings.

Attorney-client privilege? Counselor-client privilege? These privileges vary from state to state, there are rules and exceptions associated with them, but this prosecutor should be aware that in America, you are able to promise confidentiality in certain circumstances.

Reuters | Prosecutor pushes for jail for journalists in leak case

Pentagon Weighs Strategy Change to Deter Terror - New York Times
Topic: Current Events 3:45 am EDT, Jul  5, 2005

The current military strategy is known by a numerical label, 1-4-2-1, with the first number representing the defense of American territory. That is followed by numbers representing the ability to deter hostilities in four critical areas of the world, and to swiftly defeat two adversaries in near-simultaneous major combat operations The final number stands for a requirement that the military retain the capability, at the same time, to decisively defeat one of those two adversaries, which would include capturing a capital and toppling a government.

"We have 1-4-2-1 now, and we are going to look at that," said Ryan Henry, who serves as principal deputy under secretary of defense for policy.

Strange, that's my Bank of America (California) ATM pin. There is no money in that account.

Pentagon Weighs Strategy Change to Deter Terror - New York Times

BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush rejects Kyoto-style G8 deal
Topic: International Relations 9:58 pm EDT, Jul  3, 2005

President George W Bush has ruled out US backing for any Kyoto-style deal on climate change at the G8 summit.

Speaking to British broadcaster ITV, he said he would instead be talking to fellow leaders about new technologies as a way of tackling global warming.

But he conceded that the issue was one "we've got to deal with" and said human activity was "to some extent" to blame.

This is exactly the type of thing that ensures Bush's legacy will not a positive one. At this point in history, any world leaders not actively doing something to curb destruction of the environment will be remembered as part of the problem, when the brunt of the problem truly comes down on us. I think its pretty safe to lay out blanket statements to this effect at this point in time.

We started as a leader when it came to environmental issues, but that is waning. When it came to CFC emissions, we passed the Clean Air Act, and at this point in time the science concretely shows that it has had a positive effect in curbing destruction of the ozone layer. We can make a difference, and to do so requires going farther then saying "we've got to deal with" this problem. We need to deal with the damn problem.

The approach of the Bush administration seems to begin and end with the idea that "new technology" is going to come around and save us. This is a copout. "New technology" is going to continue to come at a snails pace without government legislation pushing it along. There is very little economic incentive to help the environment. It looks good in commercials, but you don't have to actually be doing anything significant to market yourself as a "green company". The government needs to lead in the form of incentives and concrete deadlines for changes in emission standards.. It does play out on a global stage. The companies that can have the most significant effect on environmental issues are globalized.

We need energy policy. And not just as a domestic economic issue, but as a matter of our foreign policy. We do not even remotely appear as if we have our shit together in this area.

At this point in time, China has better emission standards then we do for new automobiles. That alone should really irk people. Where is this new technology Bush keeps touting going to come from? Beijing?

Concerts for the starving and copouts for the environment... Your term of the day is: Global Leadershit

BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush rejects Kyoto-style G8 deal

DigitalCamera@101reviews - Japanese Robot Guards to Patrol Shops And Offices
Topic: Technology 11:20 pm EDT, Jul  2, 2005

Decius Wrote:

Equipped with a camera and sensors, the Guardrobo D1, developed by Japanese security firm Sohgo Security Services Co, is designed to patrol along pre-programmed paths and keep an eye out for signs of trouble.

Intruder Alert!


DigitalCamera@101reviews - Japanese Robot Guards to Patrol Shops And Offices

Topic: Media 11:48 pm EDT, Jul  1, 2005

Those of you who live in LA can now get your morning weather report from David Lynch.


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