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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Abaddon Drops The Bomb on Cisco
Topic: Computer Security 6:01 pm EDT, Jul 27, 2005

Security experts view Black Hat as the premier event to discuss and explore Internet vulnerabilities. At this year’s event, Michael Lynn, a member of ISS’ X-Force R&D team, gave a talk Wednesday on vulnerabilities in Cisco’s IOS, but he did so only after resigning from ISS, according to a company spokesperson.

Lynn is MemeStreams user abaddon.

Cisco’s statement added that Lynn’s presentation was not a disclosure of a new vulnerability or a flaw with Cisco IOS software, but an exploration of “ways to expand exploitations of existing security vulnerabilities impacting routers.”

Cisco PR is spinning at top speed right now. Lynn did infact demonstrate the remote injection of shellcode to a Cisco router. Lynn is able to make a Cisco router connect back to his attack host with an enable shell. For those unfamilar with Cisco routers, that basically means its possible to hack the router and get full control of it. This is not a DoS attack. This is a full on compromise.

This is basically the bug that could be used to take down the Internet. No bullshit.

Abaddon Drops The Bomb on Cisco

ABC News: Exclusive Photos: London Terror Investigation
Topic: War on Terrorism 5:30 pm EDT, Jul 27, 2005

Exclusive photographs obtained by ABC News show the devastation inside the London subway lines after the July 7th attacks.

ABC News: Exclusive Photos: London Terror Investigation

U.S. Officials Rebrand Terror War - New York Times
Topic: War on Terrorism 2:46 pm EDT, Jul 27, 2005

In recent speeches and news conferences, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and the nation's senior military officer have spoken of "a global struggle against violent extremism" rather than "the global war on terror," which had been the catchphrase of choice. Administration officials say that phrase may have outlived its usefulness, because it focused attention solely, and incorrectly, on the military campaign.

When it doubt, rebrand. The War on Terror is now Nacho Cheesier!

Coming soon: The Hissy Fit over Controlled Substances

U.S. Officials Rebrand Terror War - New York Times

LA Times | Baghdad blues, Over There
Topic: Arts 4:02 am EDT, Jul 27, 2005

Bochco, for one, is not kidding himself about higher purpose: "Our agenda … is simply, and fundamentally, to create a very compelling entertainment," he says in the video press kit FX sent out with the series' first three episodes. Gerolmo is more expansive: "War is a natural subject of television. It's got all the drama of 'Law & Order' and it's got all the action of '24' and, for better or worse, it's got all the gore of 'CSI.' Why not write about war? … We can give you a powerful, visceral gut-wrenching experience that the news can't give you."

The soldiers all have nicknames — "Smoke," "Dim," "Doublewide," "Angel," and so on — and general attitudes, but, with a couple of exceptions, not yet much in the way of personalities. In general ways, they are reminiscent of the sort of characters who populated the war films of old: There is the "smart guy," a kind of slumming intellectual, whose intelligence is signaled, as it has been in a thousand other films, by the fact that he wears glasses; the All-American Kid; the urban cynic; the ethnic guy (here an Arab American from Detroit); the tough sergeant and his clueless superior. And there are the usual Hollywood touches that add excitement not necessarily in the service of truth — the power ballad that ends the episodes, the florid camera moves (though this is less eccentric than some Bochco productions), the smoke and lighting effects. When the stateside husband of a soldier goes to a family support group, all the women are good-looking, as if they'd just stepped over from "Desperate Housewives." One gets a whiff of "Apocalypse Now" here, a taste of spaghetti westerns there.

Enter Taint Ment.

LA Times | Baghdad blues, Over There - Technology - Possible Debris Spotted Falling From Shuttle
Topic: Space 4:53 pm EDT, Jul 26, 2005

NASA officials are analyzing video of a portion of Tuesday's shuttle launch "frame-by-frame" after one of several cameras aboard the craft captured what appeared to be pieces of debris separating from Discovery, according to Local 6 News.

I was going to comment yesterday about how InTrade doesn't have a futures market for a successful shuttle launch.. Now I think they should have one for a successful shuttle landing. - Technology - Possible Debris Spotted Falling From Shuttle

Sony Agrees to $10M 'Payola' Settlement
Topic: Music 4:20 pm EDT, Jul 26, 2005

NEW YORK (AP) -- Recording industry titan Sony BMG Music Entertainment agreed Monday to pay $10 million and stop bribing radio stations to feature its artists in what a state official called a more sophisticated generation of the payola scandals of decades ago.

The agreement springs from an investigation by New York state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, who called the practice "pervasive" in the industry and suggested other music industry giants could face similar penalties.

Pay-for-play "is driving the industry, and it is wrong," Spitzer told reporters

This still goes on. The record labels just don't directly deal with the stations anymore. They hire agents to do it. They pay the agents, the agents pay the radio stations. That's still legal.

Sony Agrees to $10M 'Payola' Settlement

China Outsources to Taiwan
Topic: Current Events 3:18 am EDT, Jul 26, 2005

Godson-2 currently clocks in at around 400Mhz to 500Mhz on a 0.18 micron process. Samples based on 0.13 micron technology should appear this year. That's a generation or two behind Intel and AMD, but Halfhill says the progress China is making is remarkable.

Nothing to get too excited about in terms of specs. Its no big news that China now has micro-processor production capability. The chip is a MIPS derivative, and there are some possible IP troubles there.. Imagine that, China and IP troubles..

Here is the real fun part:

"There would be two ironies here," he notes." One is the irony of China outsourcing manufacturing. The other irony is if it chooses TSMC as a fab, and outsources to Taiwan."

"Two ironies, one issue." Somewhere, Thomas Friedman just let out a chuckle..

Yes, you heard that correct. The Chinese national company BLX IC Design is outsourcing its manufacturing to Taiwan.

China Outsources to Taiwan

Publius Pundit - Iraqi Cop Babe
Topic: Current Events 2:44 am EDT, Jul 26, 2005

Pounding her Baghdad beat, wrapped in a bulletproof vest and brandishing a pistol, Sgt. Bushra Jabar definitely stands out in the new Iraq.

She’s the only woman in the Iraqi Army unit patrolling the Kharkh district in the heart of the capital.

Publius Pundit - Iraqi Cop Babe

Gibson Plans Another Historical Epic - Yahoo! News
Topic: Movies 11:09 pm EDT, Jul 25, 2005

Mel Gibson is planning another historical epic. And like "The Passion of the Christ," it will be shot in an archaic tongue. The writer-director plans an October starting date to shoot "Apocalypto," set 500 years ago in Central America, his spokesman, Alan Nierob, said Monday.


Gibson Plans Another Historical Epic - Yahoo! News

Secret Teachings of All Ages
Topic: Arts 1:56 pm EDT, Jul 25, 2005

For once, a book which really lives up to its title. Hall self-published this massive tome in 1928, consisting of about 200 legal-sized pages in 8 point type; it is literally his magnum opus. Each of the nearly 50 chapters is so dense with information that it is the equivalent of an entire short book. If you read this book in its entirety you will be in a good position to dive into subjects such as the Qabbala, Alchemy, Tarot, Ceremonial Magic, Neo-Platonic Philosophy, Mystery Religions, and the theory of Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry. Although there are some questionable and controversial parts of the book, such as the outdated material on Islam, the portion on the Bacon-Shakespeare hypothesis, and Hall's conspiracy theory of history as driven by an elite cabal of roving immortals, they are far out-weighed by the comprehensive information here on other subjects.

An excellent book, regarded as one of the most comprehensive occult books ever. Now in the public domain, so enjoy!

Secret Teachings of All Ages

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