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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

CNN.COM - Pink Floyd legend Syd Barrett dies
Topic: Music 1:51 pm EDT, Jul 11, 2006

Syd Barrett, the eccentric guitarist who founded Pink Floyd but later left the music business to live quietly and somewhat reclusively, has died at the age of 60, according to a spokeswoman for the band.

A spokeswoman for Pink Floyd told the Press Association: "He died very peacefully a couple of days ago. There will be a private family funeral."

CNN.COM - Pink Floyd legend Syd Barrett dies

FBI plans new Net-tapping push | Tech News on ZDNet
Topic: Surveillance 5:15 pm EDT, Jul  9, 2006

The FBI has drafted sweeping legislation that would require Internet service providers to create wiretapping hubs for police surveillance and force makers of networking gear to build in backdoors for eavesdropping, CNET has learned.

FBI proposes Internet CALEA

FBI plans new Net-tapping push | Tech News on ZDNet

We Need Fewer Secrets
Topic: Politics and Law 1:44 am EDT, Jul  3, 2006

The U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) turns 40 tomorrow, the day we celebrate our independence. But this anniversary will not be a day of celebration for the right to information in our country. Our government leaders have become increasingly obsessed with secrecy. Obstructionist policies and deficient practices have ensured that many important public documents and official actions remain hidden from our view.

In the United States, we must seek amendments to FOIA to be more in line with emerging international standards, such as covering all branches of government; providing an oversight body to monitor compliance; including sanctions for failure to adhere to the law; and establishing an appeal mechanism that is easy to access, speedy and affordable. We cannot take freedom of information for granted. Our democracy depends on it.

Jimmy Carter chimes in on the culture of secrecy.

We Need Fewer Secrets

Link TV - Mosaic
Topic: Media 12:53 pm EDT, Jun 30, 2006

Mosaic features selections from daily TV news programs produced by national broadcasters throughout the Middle East. The news reports are presented unedited and translated, when necessary, into English.

Some of the broadcasters are state controlled and others are private networks, often affiliated with political factions. These news reports are regularly watched by 280 million people in 22 countries all over the Middle East.

Link TV - Mosaic

Ignoring the Great Firewall of China
Topic: Internet Civil Liberties 7:35 pm EDT, Jun 27, 2006

We've all heard of the Great Firewall of China. These guys found a clever way around it:

The Great Firewall of China is an important tool for the Chinese Government in their efforts to censor the Internet. It works, in part, by inspecting web traffic to determine whether or not particular words are present.
It turns out [caveat: in the specific cases we’ve closely examined, YMMV] that the keyword detection is not actually being done in large routers on the borders of the Chinese networks, but in nearby subsidiary machines. When these machines detect the keyword, they do not actually prevent the packet containing the keyword from passing through the main router (this would be horribly complicated to achieve and still allow the router to run at the necessary speed). Instead, these subsiduary machines generate a series of TCP reset packets, which are sent to each end of the connection. When the resets arrive, the end-points assume they are genuine requests from the other end to close the connection — and obey. Hence the censorship occurs.

However, because the original packets are passed through the firewall unscathed, if both of the endpoints were to completely ignore the firewall’s reset packets, then the connection will proceed unhindered! We’ve done some real experiments on this — and it works just fine!! Think of it as the Harry Potter approach to the Great Firewall — just shut your eyes and walk onto Platform 9¾.

Ignoring the Great Firewall of China

Flag Burning Amendment? AGAIN?
Topic: Civil Liberties 9:07 am EDT, Jun 26, 2006

Some quick thoughts about the flag burning issue, since the conservatives are currently using it to pander to their base..

This is from Texas v. Johnson (491 U.S. 397):

If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.

In reaction to this decision, Congress passed the Flag Protection Act of 1989. There were two reactions. First, more flags were burned following its passage then at any other point in American history. Second, the court promptly smacked them down in US v. Eichman (496 U.S. 310), leaving an amendment as the only option to enforce a flag burning law. In every Congress since, a bill for a flag burning amendment has been proposed. That's six times. It died in the Senate _twice_. The past three bills were not even able to pass the house.

This is a waste of time. If it does pass, the result will be a bunch of burning flags. This is counter productive and stupid.

Flag Burning Amendment? AGAIN?

FORTUNE Magazine: Warren Buffett gives away his fortune - Jun. 25, 2006
Topic: Society 8:16 pm EDT, Jun 25, 2006

We were sitting in a Manhattan living room on a spring afternoon, and Warren Buffett had a Cherry Coke in his hand as usual. But this unremarkable scene was about to take a surprising turn.

"Brace yourself," Buffett warned with a grin. He then described a momentous change in his thinking. Within months, he said, he would begin to give away his Berkshire Hathaway fortune, then and now worth well over $40 billion.

This news was indeed stunning. Buffett, 75, has for decades said his wealth would go to philanthropy but has just as steadily indicated the handoff would be made at his death. Now he was revising the timetable.

Buffett has pledged to gradually give 85% of his Berkshire stock to five foundations. A dominant five-sixths of the shares will go to the world's largest philanthropic organization, the $30 billion Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, whose principals are close friends of Buffett's (a connection that began in 1991, when a mutual friend introduced Buffett and Bill Gates).

FORTUNE Magazine: Warren Buffett gives away his fortune - Jun. 25, 2006

EADT - Sealand in ruins after blaze
Topic: International Relations 8:27 pm EDT, Jun 24, 2006

Keith Churchman, of Harwich Royal National Lifeboat Institution, said: “The damage is very extensive. The fire started in a generator and spread quickly to the accommodation.

“There have been a number of explosions on board as the fire has engulfed gas bottles and batteries. Only one person was on Sealand at the time, whom we understand to be a watchman whose job was to maintain the generators and equipment.“

A team of firefighters was flown to the scene but because of the damage to the structure they decided not to go on board.“A firefighting tug sprayed the whole structure with water in the hope this would eventually cool the fire and starve it of oxygen.”

A spokesperson for Suffolk Fire Service confirmed the fire was left to burn itself out and was under control by 3.10pm.

Bad news for HavenCo. It appears that Sealand has been destroyed. There has been no comment from the principality's government.

EADT - Sealand in ruins after blaze

Top 100 Network Security Tools
Topic: Computer Security 7:11 pm EDT, Jun 23, 2006

I (Fyodor) asked users from the nmap-hackers mailing list to share their favorite tools, and 3,243 people responded. This allowed me to expand the list to 100 tools, and even subdivide them into categories. Anyone in the security field would be well advised to go over the list and investigate tools they are unfamiliar with. I discovered several powerful new tools this way.

This is a handy list. Kudos to all the MemeStreamers who write tools on the list... There are several..

Top 100 Network Security Tools

BumpTop Prototype
Topic: Computers 10:58 pm EDT, Jun 21, 2006

Most of the times I'm at a lack for words to describe something, it's because it's something incredibly absurd or stupid. Here, it's because THIS IS SO DAMN RAD!

Stop whatever you are doing. Go watch the video of this, right now. I don't care how important what your doing is... Watch this video, right fucking now.

You are about to see the best thing thats happened to the GUI since the pixel.

Update: Ok.. So only people who litter their desktop seem to think this is as cool as I do. We are apparently a fringe minority. To those like myself, this is fetish UI porn. I currently have 68 files and folders (no app launch shortcuts) on my desktop. I would _love_ this.

BumpTop Prototype

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