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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

I've had better days...
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:20 pm EST, Oct 30, 2003

I just got discharged from the hospital. Apparently, I had an asthma attack. I didn't think I had asthma, never been diagnosed with it before, and certainly never had anything the likes of today happen before.

I get asthma symptoms whenever I'm around cats. I'm allergic.. It always goes away once I'm around fresh air. Always completely gone within 10 min, and most of the relief comes in the first few breaths.. Never connected it with anything other then cat allergies, which I am _totally_ used to because _EVERYONE_ I know has cats..

Well, apparently that's asthma. The cat allergies just trigger it.. And when the trigger goes away, it doesn't necessary mean the asthma response will. In this case, the attack started up last night when I was over a friends house. It didn't stop until spending some time sucking on a nebulizer down at SF General. Not fun.. I had one hell of a rough night, morning, and afternoon.

Whenever I'm around cats, I wind up breathing like shit. Everyone always asks, have you tried this, and this, and this, etc.. I answer yes, because obviously it pisses me off enough where I have tried just about everything to curb my cat allergies. Nothing works.. The one thing I've never tried was an Albuterol inhaler.

So yeah, that sucked.. But my movers came today! Good? Well, it would be if various critical things were not missing.. Like the two most important pieces of my desk (which means I have no desk) and my high-back leather chair (I love that damn chair). This wouldn't be a big deal, its still in the storage I share with Decius, but judging from past experience with the movers, I'm going to wind up having to put out at least another $50 to resolve this situation get the stuff.. grrrr.

My bed sheets are missing also, but the bed is here.. That's enough for me at this point. Its not the couch. And I can breathe again...

My lack of meme'ing...
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:40 pm EST, Oct 29, 2003

... is due to several factors. I'm in the middle of moving into my new place, and I've got this nasty sinus infection. I'm probably going to be mostly off the radar till I'm a little more situated and recovered.

The Google random picture generator
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:23 am EDT, Oct 21, 2003

I just got this link from Virgil Griffith.

This webpage will redirect you to a Google image search using a random search term based on the filename scheme used by many popular digital cameras. What results is the most random, random sampling of pictures.

The Google random picture generator

Taipei 101, Taipei
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:55 am EDT, Oct 18, 2003

And below it, we will build a shopping mall, the biggest shopping mall in the east..

Taipei 101, Taipei

BW Online | Where Do Not Call Does Not Count
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:28 pm EDT, Oct 14, 2003

] Cyan Callahan, an employee at San Francisco interactive
] marketing firm Mindshare Design, signed up for the
] national Do Not Call List the very first week it was
] announced in late June. Like many Americans, Callahan was
] receiving an average of three or four calls a day from
] telemarketers and was fed up. More than 45 million irate
] citizens have signed up since then. Though the list
] doesn't go into effect until Oct. 1, Callahan says she
] has already had more nights of total peace and quiet. "In
] the last two months, I've come home and thought: 'Wow, my
] phone's not ringing. I like this.'"

They spelled her name wrong!

BW Online | Where Do Not Call Does Not Count

Fucking USA
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:00 am EDT, Oct 10, 2003

This is whack. Anti-American propaganda from North Korea. Worse then junior high schooler's rap. Entertaining regardless...

Fucking USA

BitPass Beta
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:40 am EDT, Oct  9, 2003

] Our mission at BitPass is to help the online world grow
] and prosper by making it easy and safe for spenders to
] pay and earners to charge for access to online content
] and services.

Tools for access control to resources like website content using micropayments. They say they have solutions for PHP, perl, mod_perl,, etc. They have this pre-paied card thing going on. You can start or add to an account in increments of $3, $5, $10, $15, $20, or $40. Website owners can charge as little as 1 cent for content. They take 10% cut on purchases under $5, 5% over $5.

BitPass Beta Election 2003 - California Recall
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:28 pm EDT, Oct  7, 2003

This looks like the place to get results.. Election 2003 - California Recall | MemeStreams Tribe
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:23 pm EDT, Oct  7, 2003

This site does everything that Friendster does, only it does it better. And its not focused solely on dating. I'm going to have to actually use this before I have any solid feedback, but it is safe to say that Friendster is irrelevant now.

I made a MemeStreams Tribe, and this is the link to it. | MemeStreams Tribe

Shut Up and Serve Ads (Google Weblog)
Topic: Miscellaneous 8:04 pm EDT, Oct  4, 2003

] Russell Beattie points out that Google has changed
] their terms of service to require that you not publicly
] discuss AdSense. Jason Kottke points out this "seems
] to fly in the face of Sergey Brin's Google rule #1:
] /'Don't be evil'." Cory Doctorow agrees saying "Google
] shouldn't ask all its users to submit to an unreasonable
] restriction on their speech in order to contain the spread
] of negative information about its service."
] Meanwhile, other annoying provisions are that you can't:
] have multiple accounts (which is useful when you want to
] keep separate statistics for separate sites), talk to
] advertisers about their ads, disclose any results, get
] paid for anything Google considers "fradulent clicks",
] find out why they're considered "fraudulent clicks", pass
] on payments to anyone. And Google can cancel you whenever
] without a reason.

Shut Up and Serve Ads (Google Weblog)

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