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Current Topic: MemeStreams |
Statistics of www.memestreams.net for 2003 |
Topic: MemeStreams |
12:46 am EST, Jan 6, 2004 |
Here it is folks, the 2003 usage statistics for Memestreams.net! As you can see, the site is continuing to grow. Its worth comparing this with the statistics from 2002, which are at http://www.memestreams.net/awstats.html The monthly usage graph is drawn to scale, so keep in mind that the usage in Jan 2003 is greater then the usage in Dec 2002. Scale the graphs in your head and you can see the progression. We are still trucking forward, and yet we are still very much in the early part of a network effects curve. This years Unique Visitors number is just a little over an order of magnitude larger then last year's. I hope to see another order of magnitude increase next year. An interesting thing occurred in September of 2003. We got referral spammed. This means that a group of people set up robots which hit our site and claimed to be a web browser which came in from a link on a site that these people are trying to advertise. As a result I can't show you the statistics for referrals from other websites. They are spammed out. This also means that there was a bit of a spike in the overall numbers in September. The later months of the year were also impacted by the holidays. People simply tend to use the internet a lot less over Thanksgiving and Christmas. In any event, hope you find this all interesting, and Happy New Year! Statistics of www.memestreams.net for 2003 |
RE: Wilmascope 3D graph visualisation system |
Topic: MemeStreams |
10:47 pm EST, Dec 31, 2003 |
Balls Deep wrote: ] Hey, how hard would it be to hook up network visualizations ] with something like this? This is the first time I have seen this one. Looks very cool. I will check this out after New Years.. To answer that question directly, I plan to expose an XML interface for querying linkage info. Anyone who has a tool they want to use, I'm all for having it work. That's the best single thing I can do to open up all this stuff at once. More on this too, after New Years... RE: Wilmascope 3D graph visualisation system |
Topic: MemeStreams |
3:07 am EDT, Oct 17, 2003 |
] freenode exists to provide an interactive environment for ] coordination and support of peer-directed projects, ] including those relating to free software and open ] source. Our network is currently implemented using ] Internet Relay Chat (IRC). Our aim is to help improve the ] communicative and collaborative skills of our ] participants and to maintain a friendly, efficient ] environment for project coordination and technical ] support. We have been meaning to colonize an IRC channel for awhile now. We couldn't make our mind up about which which network. Freenode is great. Its the perfect network for us. irc.freenode.net, #meme ... Colonize it. For more information on Freenode, click thru and check out the FAQ & Philosophy pages. MemeStreams IRC Channel |
Bug Fixed: Broken 'Read More' links in Threads |
Topic: MemeStreams |
1:49 am EDT, Aug 30, 2003 |
There was a bug with the "Read More" links in threads for memes that were replies to other memes and were not also posted to a user's MemeStream. The "Read More" links did not have a valid URL, causing the meme to not be fully viewable unless a user clicked its permalink. Its fixed now. |
Site Update: Read More links |
Topic: MemeStreams |
2:45 pm EDT, May 21, 2003 |
All posts are now limited to 3000 characters before getting a "Read More" link. At some point, this will also allow use of a break tag. |
Topic: MemeStreams |
3:20 pm EDT, May 19, 2003 |
What happens when you play Counterstrike too much? You end up with a potty mouth. And some enemies: So, the story goes that co-worker A got sick of co-worker B's constant profanity whilst playing Counter Strike. Co-worker A then hid a microphone next to co-worker B's desk, and captured this stream of rantings. Then, as co-worker A was a member of an electronic music-making concern, he endeavored to edit it all together. The end result was this: The Terrible Mr. G. This entry on flynn23's blog has started recieving a larger then normal number of visits today via Google for variations of the search term "terrible mr g". I estimate about 500 visits today, as compared to somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 - 20 a month since when it poped up in Feb. At some point stats will be publicly available and broken down by blog/meme, but till then I'll continue to point out any interesting surges.. The Terrible Mr. G |
memestreams - Syndicated Account |
Topic: MemeStreams |
4:46 pm EDT, Apr 21, 2003 |
Attention all LiveJournal users!! Thanks to the help of jwz of http://www.jwz.org, our MemeStreams RSS feed on LiveJournal is fixed and under the name "MemeStreams". Having a RSS feed on LiveJournal is a great way for people to see the links that make the front page of MemeStreams. If you get a chance, check it out! memestreams - Syndicated Account |
New Topics: Society/Media & Society/Media/Blogging |
Topic: MemeStreams |
6:12 pm EDT, Apr 18, 2003 |
Two new topics are available: Society/Media Society/Media/Blogging I finally remembered to add them.. :) |
Topic: MemeStreams |
4:04 pm EDT, Apr 17, 2003 |
I just preformed an update of the site's code. There was an error present causing some IE users to get file download boxes when trying to access certain pages, or loop when they logged out. Sorry about that, it went under my radar.. Our QA tends to be lacking on platforms we don't use. Also, we are progressing well with project-get-the-hell-out-of-proof-of-concept-phase, so as expected, numerous things have changed under the hood. I'm still not giving ETAs on anything... Still a long way to go. As always, if you run into any problems, let Tom or I know. (tom or nick @ m) |
Topic: MemeStreams |
8:56 pm EDT, Apr 8, 2003 |
I will be at Interz0ne this weekend. Decius informed me last night that he may not be able to make it, so I may be doing the MemeStreams panel alone. Lets hope he makes it, because I don't have as much prepared as I'd like to (as usual), and will likely wind up roughing most of my talk. Users, come armed with questions and comments.. This is a good opportunity to get some feedback, discuss ways to use the system, etc.. Expect the answer for a number of things to be "its on the way, but we gotta do a bunch of stuff first"... [U: I've just been informed that Decius will make it.. ] There may be another update to the Social Network portion of the site for the con, but I'm not entirely sure yet if I'm going to have enough time to finish it.. Time is tight and this week turned out to be more chaotic then expected. The MemeStreams panel is going to be on Saturday in room A1 at 3PM CST, directly after Randal Schwartz's panel on "Learning Perl". I learned perl from his books, and MemeStreams is in perl, so I'm in awe of this.. I'm also booked for a panel in the same room on Saturday at 8PM CST. Its tentative title is "RANT!". I have no idea what I'm expected to talk about at this one. I'm pretty sure I'm being setup for something. Judging from the title picked for me, I'm just expected to stand there and rant. Fine, I can do that. Done it in the past.. Infact, I'm pretty much expected to do it at these.. Its shocking.. Based on con history, this panel will go on for about 30 minutes before I completely lose control of it.. 8PM on Satuday night a con like Interz0ne means one thing, most people who show up to the panel will be consuming large amounts of booze.. I expect people to be mixing things in buckets and such madness.. The slot after me is something about girls and webcams. This is clearly the point in the night where it has been determined that madness will decend, and its been handed to me.. Yum yum. I'll be available for private consulting sessions and drunken debauchery all weekend. MemeStreams at Interz0ne |