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Josh Wolf: Journalist or Activist? - Kevin Sites


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Josh Wolf: Journalist or Activist? - Kevin Sites
Topic: Blogging 10:19 pm EDT, Apr  7, 2007

This article by Kevin Sites (who reports from Yahoo these days) contains an interview with Josh Wolf conducted previous to his recent release.

Sites caries a high level of credibility and relevance in regard to the debate(s) that surround Wolf. In November of 2004 while embedded with a Marine unit, he filmed a soldier shooting an unarmed and wounded combatant. (article) Here is that video, followed by commentary from a three start military official.

I spoke to Wolf by telephone while he was still in prison a few weeks ago and asked him if his advocacy made him selective in what he videotaped at the protest. Would he turn off the camera to protect his friends? A partial transcript of our conversation follows [link to full interview in story].

Kevin Sites: If there had been a situation where you saw a protestor beating up a police officer, or you saw them committing arson, would you have shot that?

Josh Wolf: I wasn't there to shoot that.

Kevin Sites: No, but would you have shot that?

Josh Wolf: That's a question I would have made in that moment...

Kevin Sites: Well, that's what I want to ask you. If I asked you to take sides, if I asked you to take a side of journalism or activism, you know, which side are you taking here? Because you're asking for the protection of journalism yet you're also seeking to be an activist.

Josh Wolf: Would you not say that Thomas Paine was an activist for the Declaration of - or the independence of America and also...

Kevin Sites: But I would say that he would not be claiming to be journalist, he would be claiming to be an activist. That's all I'm asking you to do, is take sides. Are you claiming to be an activist or a journalist?

Josh Wolf: I don't. I see that advocacy has a firm role within the realm of journalism.

Kevin Sites: Right, but as an advocate, you have to be willing to allow yourself to be jailed and expect the consequences of your actions. As a journalist, you're asking for certain protections, you know, from those consequences. That's why I'm asking you, you know, which side do you want to step on at this point.

Josh Wolf: My role is to uncover the truth to deliver to the public. That is my number one accountability.

Kevin Sites: But that truth is through, as you said, a prism of your own political convictions.

Josh Wolf: The truth is biased by everyone's convictions, whether it's a corporate conviction of your employer, your own personal convictions that are left politically based from mainstream press perspective, or a more biased perspective [because of] which you won't be as open about as a journalist who does not put forward an impression that they are trying to be objective. If you watch the videotape, you'll see there are many things that make the protestors look bad and there are things that make the cops look bad. It is essentially a balanced report of what I saw. It's a bird's eye view.

The video that Wolf spent over seven months in jail protecting can now be downloaded at his website. Evidence of the acts the the prosecutors were concerned with do not appear to be contained within the footage. This video certainly does make the protesters look very, very, very stupid though.

In their attempts to "smash the state", the only thing achieved was damage to local businesses, and some legal president that no one other than the state really wants. So much for anarchist action... Idiots.

Josh Wolf: Journalist or Activist? - Kevin Sites

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