] Congratulations, you have cancer! Your life is about to ] turn upside down. It causes a lot of stress, and many ] patients crash and burn horribly. Chemotherapy can save ] your life, but in the process it'll make you feel like ] you've been run over by a Hummer. Alternately, your ] doctors may choose to irradiate you in one of several ] ways, which is not altogether unlike being shoved into a ] microwave oven on "high" for a few minutes. Your ] medications probably won't make you feel better, so do ] yourself a favor and buy some weed. Get used to needles; ] you're going to be poked with a lot of them. Be strong, ] and you might live. Good luck! I just got news yesterday that a good friend of mine has been diagnosed with lung cancer. He is going to be undergoing surgery to remove a tumor soon. The blues is in full effect. It was good to read this and see that John is winning his war.. I hope my friend Rick wins his. John's War with Melanoma |