This is life.... This is life on Fox News. ] The plane landed. My husband and I gathered our bags and ] quickly, very quickly, walked up the jetway. As we exited ] the jetway and entered the airport, we saw many, many men ] in dark suits. - A few yards further out into the ] terminal, LAPD agents ran past us, heading for the ] gate. - I have since learned that the representatives of ] the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Los ] Angeles Police Department (LAPD), the Federal Air ] Marshals (FAM), and the Transportation Security ] Association (TSA) met our plane as it landed. - Several ] men -- who I presume were the federal air marshals on ] board -- hurried off the plane and directed the 14 men ] over to the side. Flight screening drops a major ball. Either Syrian artisans don't know how to behave on American planes these days, or Capital-T Terrorists are testing bomb assembly techniques. Much intrigue. Read in the dark. If you happen to have an MP3 of airline cabin sounds, play it. Perhaps Young's Let's Roll.. How would you react? What drink would have you gotten when the cart came around? Warning: Author is the type of person who would quote Ann Coultier. Terror in the Skies, Again? - WomensWallStreet |