] Scientists have created the ultimate pet: genetically ] modified fish that glow in the dark. In future, there ] will be no need for aquarium lights - fluorescent fish ] will provide their own illumination. Oh yeah, I would buy glowing fish. No question. I will own these some day. If there is someone out there tracking market for this kinda thing, mark me down as saying "i'll buy".. Hell yeah. ] Scientists have not restricted their GM work to ] aquarium creatures. In other experiments, scientists ] have attempted to engineer cats that do not produce ] allergens. I'd buy that too! I'm allergic to cats.. Aside from that, cats are alright. And I'm sure they could make it piss less ammonia, glow, etc.. Sweet.. I'd save up for this shit. After the cat and the fish, I'd just need something that flys. Something can be done with the parot. However, I don't think its a good idea to make any new animals that are capable of surviving in nature on their own. But I have no doubt that the comercial world will tackle these problems. There are simple and elegant solutions possible. You just have to make sure the thing can't possibly survive or breed without constant human intervention.. Kitty gonna need something in her water or .. Fishy gonna need some mad UV.. etc.. Unless that can be pulled off, no way. And maybe some kind of virus kill switch, "just in case". And screw Jurassic Park and "life can find a way" and all that crap. Thats Hollywood. There are solutions for this kinda thing damnit, there have to be. I want value added to my pets! There is a service end to the business. Thats a good thing. When I get my consumer pet, I don't want to have to go through picking up supplies all the time, they have to be custom anyway, with this kinda investment, they are going to control that suckers whole life cycle. They can mail me whatever I need. I want to order it like a laptop. Select boxes for configuration, pick accessories, get a support contract, etc.. Pets.com might have been a flop, but when the shit glows, its going to be a different story. 'Fluorescent fish' give the green light to GM pets |