] Curtis said a new video titled Terrible Mr. G is the ] latest "meme" rapidly gaining in popularity. Likely shot ] without the knowledge of the subject, the video documents ] the frustration of playing a combat computer game like ] Counter-Strike. ] ] The soundtrack -- a series of groans, foul language and ] invective -- also has been dubbed to techno. ] ] "There's this guy swearing like a sailor," Curtis said. ] "It's pretty darn funny." Update on the "Terrible Mr. G" meme. I mentioned earlier (http://www.memestreams.net/users/rattle/blogid2944884) that a meme on flynn23's blog (http://www.memestreams.net/users/flynn23/blogid2549710) was getting a lot of hits from Google. This Wired article appears to be what is stired up all the interest. At the time off this posting, it had been hit at least 1400 times due to its placement on Google. Thanks to William Reynolds for pointing this out. Wired News: Blog Bucks Aid Laughingstock Kid |