] Fox News had its own response to the demonstrators. The ] news ticker rimming Fox's headquarters on Sixth Avenue ] wasn't carrying war updates as the protest began. ] Instead, it poked fun at the demonstrators, chiding them. ] ] "War protester auditions here today ... thanks for ] coming!" read one message. "Who won your right to show up ] here today?" another questioned. "Protesters or ] soldiers?" ] ] Said a third: "How do you keep a war protester in ] suspense? Ignore them." ] ] Still another read: "Attention protesters: the Michael ] Moore Fan Club meets Thursday at a phone booth at Sixth ] Avenue and 50th Street" - a reference to the film maker ] who denounced the war while accepting an Oscar on Sunday ] night for his documentary "Bowling for Columbine." ] ] The protesters said Fox's sentiments only proved their ] point: that media coverage, in particular among the ] television networks, is so biased as to be unbelievable. Fox news ticker speaks out against NYC protesters |