] "I have long maintained that we are headed to a future of ] completely transparency, where both personal privacy and ] institutional secrecy would vanish and we would be ] forced, as are people in small, gossip-y towns, to create ] societies tolerant enough to accept an certain amount of ] personally eccentric behavior and even private, though ] widely-known, scandals. Instead, we know seem headed into ] a future where The All-Seeing Eye can know everything ] about us and we can know - or say - nothing about It. I ] can't imagine leaving a less promising future to my ] descendents. Nor can I imagine why the American people ] are so willing to inflict such a future on their kids ] that driving a few blocks to vote against it was too much ] trouble." There is alot I want to say about both these articles. I'll likely revisit this. Highly recommended read. Another Barlow Rant about TIA |