(Update: This is causing problems with IE. Image links have been disabled while we work out the cause of the problem.. Argh..) "The pictures make it sexy." The above quote was Decius's first comment after seeing Friendster back in 2001 when we were already underway coding the initial version of MemeStreams. I can now say with authority that we qualify as "sexy". MemeStreams now has both image and video display capability.This comes with several improvements to the way messages are edited and displayed. In addition to inline display of images using the img tag, we have also added the HTML tags u, center, and pre, in addition to the already existing support for b, i, and a. blockquote can be used as blockquote, bq, or quote. When pre is used, any HTML tags within are escaped, so you can now display snippets of code and other previously impossible text without losing formatting. For instance, here is an example of an image tag: <img src="http://kradmeme.local/meme_tail.gif" alt="Optional description"> Image tags can be justified left or right using the align attribute so text wraps around them, such as the image in this post. All implemented tags support standard HTML attributes to the degree we support the attributes. When posting, the interface now displays error messages in realtime about formatting problems above the edit window. Eventually we will have this functionality include better information about to what types of HTML is allowed and how it can be used. In general, the system will display posts better and more uniformly. It is no longer so ridged about spacing after quotes, posts will now display properly regardless of if you have a newline after a quote or not. Characters such as > and < can now be used in posts without being part of an HTML tag as well. Any Google/YouTube/Revver videos that are primary links will be displayed automatically at the top of the post. Videos can also be displayed inline with a tag like this: <video url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2f4heaG288" alt="Optional description"> We will add other video services as we become aware of them. Let us know if there is a service you would like us to support. We would like to single out Acidus for praise. His help made this update happen. We are very excited to have him actively involved with MemeStreams developlment. His work is present in several aspects of this update, such as the on-the-fly picture resizing and the realtime post validity checking. Be sure to tell him how much he kicks ass. We have never worked with anyone better when it comes to web security and javascript. Be sure to tell terratogen he kicks ass as well. For years now, he has been providing us with with all our graphic design needs. You can see his work in the site's logo and the various graphical icons used throughout the site. As always, if you encounter any problems, let Rattle or Decius know. More information and site updates are on the way. |