"We are working very hard to go after the rogue elements or extremists of any flavor."
"Basically, it's turn-based, but we put some real-time flavor to it."
The organization [SCIRI] also intends to drop the word "revolution" from its name and hopes to ascribe to a name with a "bigger Iraqi flavor" to it.
The showdown in Finland today will have an Eastern European flavor after former communist bloc countries scored a near clean-sweep in the semifinal that ended in the early hours Friday.
"This training gives paratroopers a flavor of the task before they deploy so they don't lose the flavor if they have to do it later on," added Sgt. 1st Class V.K. Graf, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Brigade Combat Team.
Wolfowitz instead maneuvered and wheedled and stormed and generally distracted everyone from, you know, giving loans to poor countries. He negotiated a sweetheart deal for his sweetheart. When caught, he resorted to legal arguments that had a definite "that depends on what the meaning of 'is' is" flavor to them. What a maroon.
For Halliburton and other oilfield-services providers, it’s imperative to have more than just a local flavor, said Dan Pickering, an analyst at Pickering Energy Partners in Houston.
All of what's mentioned here, and there's a thick book of examples one could use with this Administration, seems to have a strong "One flew over the cuckoo's nest" flavor to it.
Brown's best hope is to build a very good and loyal team. But that means he must cut down the "ego" flavor in his words and begin talking more about "we" rather than "I."
The Turkish people filled the streets in protest when it appeared the religious fundamentalists were about to gain control. They understand something that the majority in America does not understand: that religious fundamentalist -- of all and any flavor -- are anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-democratic morons.
While the daily senseless killings have not yet equated the carnage in some war-torn countries like Iraq and even Nigeria, where ethnic flavor often lead to thousands of death during their election periods, yet we have no valid or sensible reason to destroy our sacredly-held democratic and Christian ideals to soak our soil with blood resulting from senseless use of guns, gold and goons.
[I think they meant "fervor", but you see the power of the cliche ...]
Farrington also hopes to have some historic antique military vehciels arrayed on the lawn behind Town Hall to add to the marital flavor to the event.
[Um, Freudian slip? No, just terrible typos. This error seems somehow less acceptable ...]
The Forward Policy soon developed an evangelical flavor; the plan was to impose not just British laws and technology on India but also British Christian values. That way India would be not only ruled but redeemed.
The proposal Levin opposed, from Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., would have ended war funding by next March. "It's not a repeat of Vietnam," he said of Feingold's measure. "It's not quite that drastic. But I think it has that flavor."
Flavor Flav's celebrity status stems from a number of reality TV shows such as "The Surreal Life," which morphed into another hit series "Strange Love," staring Brigitte Neilsen, and "Flavor of Love," where Flav's notable accessory is a large clock necklace.
[Does it get more clueless than that?]
This time we get a little George Tenet "flavor" as he raises his voice and rolls his eyes around on 60 Minutes. This time we get to hear his prattle first hand, and we are supposed to feel his pain as the fall guy the White House dumped blame for the Iraq War on.
A "mystery flavor" in a new bag Doritos has one local man crying foul. We talked to him about what's got him so riled up.
No more park lands or marble-constructed buildings will be allowed in a scenic preservation area in Qibao Town, as urban planners try to save the ancient town's unique flavor, according to a new report, Shanghai Daily reported.
The original release of Mario Party was over 8 years ago and now on the extremely popular Nintendo Wii comes Mario Party 8 with a totally new flavor thanks to the cool features on the Wii.
"Because meth has that bitter taste, dealers are flavoring it and marketing it to new customers to make it taste good," said Sgt. Terrance Bell of the Cheyenne Police Department. "If it's more marketable to kids because of the flavoring, then it's going to be more accessible to kids because of the taste," Bell said. "It might taste like strawberry to them, but at the bottom it's still meth."
... "well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character" ...
The AGP flavor of the Radeon HD 2600 XT will require a six-pin PCI Express power connector.
'Office' stars get flavor of Scranton: "We just want to thank you for everything The Office has done for Scranton," said the mayor. "You really have made a tremendous impact."
An American enlisted man fighting at Khe Sanh, Vietnam, in early 1968 is credited with this quote, offered to a reporter filing dispatches back to the U.S.: "For those who fight for it, freedom has a flavor the protected shall never know."
If you want to get a flavor for how bad things are getting in the north of Iraq, which had been relatively safe, check out this story on Kirkuk, which includes this:
Tensions already are so high in Kirkuk that [Lt. Col. Michael] Browder says just one bomb with mass casualties might be enough to unleash a massive bloodletting. "Everybody’s right on the envelope," he says.
... the ceremony will have a "distinct Navy flavor," complete with the presence of a ship's bell to start the ceremony and ring out at noon ...
Indy 500 will have local flavor
‘Brooklyn Rules’ Fails To Catch Flavor of Brooklyn Borough
For filmmaker, life goes on with a dash of Jersey flavor
Thompson talk has a Reaganesque flavor to it
While having a flavor of Linux on one's smartphone isn't unheard of, it could become at least somewhat more popular now that a common variety is scheduled to make its mobile debut.
He tried to bring a funky flavor to the city's downtown, he said, adding concert series, movie screenings and restaurants in addition to more business-oriented ventures. "I think you need to have a downtown that's hip and cool and that people really want to come to," he said.
Hitchens, known to be a fervid atheist, would find God and take up religion. The only question was which flavor he would choose. Embrace Islam? Too cute. Complete the half-finished Jewish script? Become a Catholic, following the path well trodden by such British writers as Waugh and Greene? Or — most daring and original — would he embrace the old Church of England (Episcopalianism in America) and spend his declining years writing about the beauty of the hymns, the essential Britishness of village churchyards, the importance of protecting religion from the dangers of excessive faith, and so on? Well, ladies and gentlemen, Hitchens is either playing the contrarian at a very high level or possibly he is even sincere.
Sonny Rollins did it slow, loping, kind of cowboy-ish song. My approach has more of a Middle Eastern flavor to it. It has a different time signature, a different key.
"It had a pre-1994 flavor to it," he says.
"It's sushi-grade," he says. "It's a rich, buttery, almost unctuous flesh with a very subtle nutty flavor to it. I've never heard anyone who's tried it be anything but exuberant about it. When shad season is over, I have withdrawal."