Neal Stephenson has a new post-book. The Mongoliad is a sort of serialized story, created by Neal Stephenson, and written by Neal, Greg Bear, Nicole Galland, Mark Teppo, and a number of other great authors. It will be told via custom apps on iPad, iPhone, Kindle, and Android, and will be something of an experiment in post-book publishing and storytelling.
Neal Stephenson: Hey, wait a minute, the hacker tourist says to himself, I thought AT&T was the enemy.
From The Diamond Age: Hackworth was a forger, Dr. X was a honer. The distinction was at least as old as the digital computer. Forgers created a new technology and then forged on to the next project, having explored only the outlines of its potential. Honers got less respect because they appeared to sit still technologically, playing around with systems that were no longer start, hacking them for all they were worth, getting them to do things the forgers had never envisioned.
David Foster Wallace: After the pioneers always come the crank turners, the little gray people who take the machines others have built and just turn the crank.
Neal Stephenson: There's a gap emerging between the kind of thinking that requires long, uninterrupted, serious concentration on something and superficial surfing behaviour.
Winifred Gallagher: You can't be happy all the time, but you can pretty much focus all the time. That's about as good as it gets.
The Mongoliad |