This research covers the discovery of a server controlled by hackers (Crimeserver) containing more than 1.4 Gigabyte of business and personal data stolen from infected PCs. The data consisted of 5,388 unique log files. Both email communications and web-related data were among them.
This analysis contains findings indicating that Crimeware has reached a new level of sophistication. We detected a Crimeserver which was used as a command and control for the Crimeware that was executed on infected PCs. This Crimeserver was also used as the “drop site” for private information being harvested by that Crimeware. The Command & Control applications on this Crimeserver enabled the hacker to manage the actions and performance of his Crimeware, giving him control over the uses of the Crimeware as well as its victims. Since the stolen data was left unprotected on the Crimeserver, without any access restrictions or encryption, the data were freely available for anyone on the web, including criminal elements.