"We have the ability to access virtually any packet data network and by using mediation equipment deployed in our network, VeriSign can provide a secure, reliable, cost-efficient solution that enables carriers with GPRS or CDMA 1x technologies to comply with all lawful intercept requirements without impacting network performance."
When I see VeriSign talk about "lawful" intercept, for some reason I am reminded of a particular scene from The Simpsons episode BABF12, "Pygmoelian": The Simpsons arrive at the Duff Days site. Homer switches off the beer music, to the kids' relief. As soon as they step out of the car, though, a live band plays exactly the same tune. Near the entrance, a man is dressed as Surly, one of the Seven Duffs.
[loudly] Drink Duff! [under breath] Responsibly. [loudly] Drink Duff! [under breath] Responsibly. VeriSign NetDiscovery [Lawful] Intercept Service |