Martin C. Libicki: Perhaps more than any other form of combat, cyberwar is storytelling.
Matthew O'Brien: There's always a story you can tell, and we certainly told them.
Paul Ford: At some level I feel that form is a key to happiness. Meaning identifying a pattern and repeating it until comfort is achieved. This is why people quilt.
Sean M. Carroll: When you are interested in paranoia and conspiracies, it is important to distinguish signals from noise, and true clues from false leads. This is also the situation in which modern scientists find themselves, searching for significance among countless spurious correlations in a flood of data.
Misha Lepetic: There need not be a point to what is being recorded, so long as it is being recorded, and the algorithms will take care of the rest.
Alex Williams: Data has to be a strategic asset.
Straw Man: Money for me, databases for you.