Paul Rosenzweig, former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy in DHS, and founder of homeland-security consultant Red Branch Consulting PLLC: Large databases are effective [for this type of analysis] only to the extent they are actually comprehensive.
Straw Man: Money for me, databases for you.
Dharmesh Shah: If your data doesn't look weird, you're not looking hard enough.
David Brooks: Falsity grows exponentially the more data we collect.
Emin Gün Sirer: We cannot afford a graph database gap.
Jim Cortada: We are almost at a point now where trying to do an inventory on all this data is almost a superfluous exercise. It's like trying to count all the stars in the sky.
Mary Meeker and Liang Wu: The US government is currently experiencing the largest gap between revenue and expenses outside of WW I and WW II.