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AM - Battle over who can sell Iraq's oil


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AM - Battle over who can sell Iraq's oil
Topic: Current Events 2:25 am EDT, Apr  8, 2003

] LINDA MOTTRAM: As we've been hearing in John's report,
] the former American Lieutenant General chosen by the
] Americans to run post-war Iraq, Jay Garner, is set to
] make his first public appearance in Kuwait today.
] But he still does not have the open chequebook that he
] needs to rebuild Iraq. What he wants is access to cash
] from the Iraq's oil, the world's second largest supply.
] The United Nations though, still controls the
] Oil-for-Food Program, which is currently the only legal
] avenue to sell Iraq's oil, and it is resisting American
] demands for access to the program.
] The UN is demanding a central role for itself and it's
] nervous about Washington's appointment of a former US oil
] executive to run Iraq's oil industry.
] Rafael Epstein reports.
] RAFAEL EPSTEIN: The man who'll negotiate with the UN and
] others over international help for Iraq is US Assistant
] Secretary of State for International Organisation, Kim
] Holmes.
] KIM HOLMES: The oil reserves of Iraq will be intended for
] and used for the purposes of the Iraqi people and that is
] just a bottom line, bedrock principle.
] RAFAEL EPSTEIN: The US has in mind the former head of
] Shell USA, Philip Carroll, and the deputy chief of BP
] USA, Rodney Chase to run Iraq's oil industry. Rebuilding
] will cost billions of dollars, much of which will flow to
] private companies.
] Bu

AM - Battle over who can sell Iraq's oil

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