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"...the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like the fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars..."
- Jack Kerouac |
Presentation Abstracts, Ninth Foresight Conference |
Topic: Nano Tech |
12:16 am EST, Nov 30, 2001 |
Ok, so I am linking this because I want to be able to find it again when I actually have time to really look at it. But check it out if your into Nanotech.... Presentation Abstracts, Ninth Foresight Conference |
A Debate About Assemblers |
Topic: Nano Tech |
12:15 am EST, Nov 30, 2001 |
The reply from the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing and the Foresight Institute to the september issue of Sciam. It was an interesting issue, where articles for and against Nanotech were side by side. In my eyes, Nanotech is completely possible, and there is simply no grounding in anyone saying that it couldn't happen. I suppose Sciam was just trying to stay neutral though...anyway, check it.. A Debate About Assemblers |
The first human cloning company. |
Topic: Humor |
12:04 am EST, Nov 30, 2001 |
Now there is no doubt about it....this is humor. This is the link to Clonaid's site...go read about the other services they offer such as insuraclone, ovulaid, and clonapet. WOW...somebody is hogging all the crackrock. The humor is that this is a real company. The first human cloning company. |
CNN.com - Pro-cloning group claims to have embryos - November 28, 2001 |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
11:59 pm EST, Nov 29, 2001 |
So "Clonaid" is this company that is sponsored by a religous group that believes extraterrestrial scientists created life on earth. I am struggling to decide whether to put this under science or humor, so I am going to put it under miscellaneous and you can decide for yourself. Personally, I am against full human cloning, where the objective is to create a human being through cloning. What purpose does this serve? All this is doing is bringing cloning to the attention of everyone, which may lead to a full on law against any kind of cloning, and thats just not good. I could rant on and on and on and on about this (ask Tom), but I guess I will leave it for now. Anyway...you should also check out "Clonaid's" site. CNN.com - Pro-cloning group claims to have embryos - November 28, 2001 |
Topic: Humor |
11:46 pm EST, Nov 19, 2001 |
Pong like you have never seen it before PONG |
Nanotech may help fight cancer |
Topic: Nano Tech |
8:12 pm EST, Nov 18, 2001 |
"A molecule-sized time bomb that smuggles a triple dose of deadly radioactivity into cancer cells has been developed." Nanotech may help fight cancer |
Leonids 2001 Meteor Gallery |
Topic: Science |
8:05 pm EST, Nov 18, 2001 |
If you missed the Leonid Meteor shower last night, shame on you:) Here are some pics you can check out (although they arn't nearly as cool as the real thing) Leonids 2001 Meteor Gallery |
Topic: Nano Tech |
1:07 am EST, Nov 14, 2001 |
This is a very good place to get information on current Nanotech news. For those unfamiliar to scientific journals, these articles are more on the technical side, but they are articles from peer-reviewed journals, which is an important factor when getting infoz from the internet. Thanks for the link Jeremy:) NANOJOURNAL |
Topic: Music |
2:08 am EST, Nov 13, 2001 |
Check this site out...not only is it a cool site design wise, but there is lots of music to explore WARP RECORDS |