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"...the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like the fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars..."
- Jack Kerouac |
Topic: Music |
11:09 pm EDT, Apr 10, 2002 |
Jaron Lanier: "I'm 41 now so I've decided I need to develop my grumpy side. So here's a rant about the sorry state of pop music." I'm not going to include a bunch of excerpts for this one, because I want everyone to read the whole thing start to finish. It will only take a few minutes; like most good rants, it's short, direct, and thought provoking. Where did the music go? |
Dry-Mouth Drug Joins Cancer Fight |
Topic: Science |
6:25 pm EDT, Apr 10, 2002 |
This is interesting...wonder what chemical in the drug effects lung tumors? Dry-Mouth Drug Joins Cancer Fight |
v n v n a t i o n - o f f i c i a l h o m e p a g e |
Topic: Music |
4:38 pm EDT, Apr 10, 2002 |
Going to the VNV Nation show on Friday night in Atlanta. Its going to rule! I definitly recommend checking them out...very unique, smart music. v n v n a t i o n - o f f i c i a l h o m e p a g e |
New Scientist- Bush to back ban on all human cloning |
Topic: Science |
3:58 pm EDT, Apr 10, 2002 |
There goes therapuetic cloning. As I have said before, in my eyes, therapuetic cloning is different than bringing a human clone to term. Thanks to Severino Antinori, therapuetic cloning will most likely be banned in the US. New Scientist- Bush to back ban on all human cloning |
New Scientist- Cloning pregnancy claim prompts outrage |
Topic: Science |
4:35 pm EST, Apr 5, 2002 |
Here is something scary to brighten your day. I am totally opposed to Human Reproductive Cloning..I just don't see a need or an application for this. It disgusts me really. I am, however, a proponent for theraputic cloning, and often times, it gets lumped with this, but theraputic cloning is much different. The only question that is left is.....who's clone is she carrying?!?!?!?! New Scientist- Cloning pregnancy claim prompts outrage |
Topic: Science |
11:40 am EST, Apr 4, 2002 |
Impressive and very cool application of biotech. Which sometimes appears somewhat creepy to me; however, this kind of application is why we should continue (carefully) to continue this important research. New Scientist |