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From User: Decius

Current Topic: Miscellaneous

CBC News: Giant virus discovered in water tower
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:27 pm EST, Mar 30, 2003

] A massive virus has been found lurking in a British water
] cooling tower. The virus lives in single-celled organisms
] called amoebae and may be able to infect humans.
] The virus is so large that at first researchers mistook
] it for bacteria. Most viruses can only be seen with
] electron microscopes but this one was spotted through a
] high quality optical microscope.

/me goes digging to see if she can find more info on this.

CBC News: Giant virus discovered in water tower

Topic: Miscellaneous 11:20 pm EST, Feb  6, 2003

] ...a new site bringing you a collection of categorised blogs
] from around the world.

These people linked me and then asked me to link them back, so I am doing so. They are a blog directory. If you search for MemeStreams on this site and then click through it you'll increase my ranking. :)

[yay! - Nano]


Clone High
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:34 pm EST, Feb  2, 2003

] Clone High bravely tackles challenging teen issues, such
] as sleep deprivation, catching ADD from toilet seats, the
] evils of litter, and having the guy you like not like you
] back the same way you like him.

This is pretty whacky. Evil government scientists clone famous figures from world history. We find them as high school personality archtypes. Its strange and funny. Good break from predictable TV.

There is a robot that says "bling bling" and a number that lies. Thats really all you need to know.

[I definitly recommend this show as well. At first I was skeptical, but its pretty rad:) -Nano]

Clone High

Georgia schools closed because its too cold...
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:31 pm EST, Jan 26, 2003

] Even though roads were clear of snow, sleet and ice
] Friday, schools around Georgia closed because of brutal
] cold.

Southerners are WEAK!!!

Georgia schools closed because its too cold...

Help a kid play hockey
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:12 am EST, Jan 14, 2003

Marie, should we do this:::

As some of you know I coach a youth ice hockey team in Nashville. The
Pedators have agreed to graciously allow my team to play one game at the
Gaylord Entertainment Center. As you can imagine, the kids are really
exited. Imagine playing football at the Titans stadium or baseball at
Yankee Stadium. Well for them this is it ... Each player get's announced
on the ice, they play the national anthem, they announce the goals, etc. -
they get all the bells and whistles as the Preds game.

Yes there is a catch - the team has to sell 150 tickets to the Predators
game on March 1 at 1:00 pm. (Chicago Blackhawks). The tickets are in the
cheap seats and only cost $17.00 each. The kids are selling them as best
they can, but based on last nights inventory, it appears they would be well
short. They looked very dejected when I broke the news, until I told them I
would help out if I could.

That's where each of you step in. If each of you could buy just one ticket,
that would sell 30 tickets and I think we would close. If you bring your
spouse or a date and buy two tickets, that would sell 60 tickets and we
would be in for sure.

Please let me know ASAP if you would be interested. (I need to turn the
money in this weekend). Your help would be greatly appreciated by these fine
young men as well as myself.

Dan Bartholemew

[We should all buy tickets to this game, even if we can't make it. $17.00 isn't asking alot...and its hockey for crying out loud. I am definitly in! - Nanochick]

Help a kid play hockey

Visualizing MemeStreams
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:06 am EST, Jan  4, 2003

Some very interesting graphs of the social network on MemeStreams.

[/me stares in awe. So very rad looking. So interesting on many levels. -Nano]

Visualizing MemeStreams

What Should I Do With My Life?
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:59 am EST, Jan  2, 2003

] "There are far too many smart, educated, talented people
] operating at quarter speed, unsure of their place in the
] world, contributing far too little to the productive
] engine of modern civilization. There are far too many
] people who look like they have their act together but
] have yet to make an impact."

What Should I Do With My Life?

Topic: Miscellaneous 11:09 pm EST, Nov 25, 2002

] "Our grand reopening is planned for Nov 30th, 2002."

Some streams are available now... :)

[Sweetness. This makes me happy - Nano]


The Peoples Bureau For Consumer Information
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:37 am EST, Nov 21, 2002

This website has a beautiful sound to it. Just go, and run your mouse around.....mmmmm:) Weird sounds make me happy:)

The Peoples Bureau For Consumer Information

The Future is Now
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:29 pm EST, Nov 15, 2002

In the grim future of hello kitty there is only war!

[And I ask, where the hell is Badzt Maru in this picture?!? He is the evil, pissed off character....its only right that he be shown damnit:) - Nanochick]

The Future is Now

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