Rattle would be proud. I was taking a mini-hiatus from work on this gorgeous Friday in Atlanta to travel down to little five to pick up some concert tickets. As I was walking into Criminal Records, it hit me that I had a burning sensation for some new music. Actually, I had wanted to get a Dinosaur Jr. Album because for some reason, I started thinking about them, and I don't have any of their music right now. Anyway, I hit the bins, looking around for some good music to buy, and low and behold, I came across a Dead Milkmen album (Metaphysical Graffiti), and I decided to purchase it. I haven't gotten to listen to it yet, as I have no working CD player in my car right now, and I didn't know if it was work safe, but I am very excited. Anyway, random meme, I know, but Rattle talks about the Dead Milkmen so much that I feel that I should really give them a listen. |