" He's standing in a corner of his cluttered San Diego office, holding a gizmo that looks something like a retro-futuristic waffle iron with a portable CD player Velcroed to its back.Are you ready?he asks, then points his invention directly at the head of someone whos just entered the room 10 feet away.Now, can you hear it? Can you hear it? Isnt that unbelievable? What the person across the room hears is, well, unbelievable: all of a sudden, the sound of a waterfall has materialized in his head. And, it turns out, no one else in the room can hear it but him. Its as if the sound is coming out of thin air. As Keanu Reeves said in The Matrix: whoa." This is pretty neat and shady at the same time. I mean, just think of the applications....good....and bad. Hearing is Believing |