Crooks and Liars � Hitchens Brutally Eulogizes Falwell on Hannity & Colmes
Topic: Media
8:29 pm EDT, May 17, 2007
Wow. Just wow. I'm not sure if Hitchens has been hitting the bottle harder than usual lately, but with Jerry Falwell he's going hog wild. First was him on CNN making Anderson Cooper look like Bambi in front of an 18 wheeler at 1am, now it's Sean Hannity who tries to stay calm as Hitchens unloads both barrels, than reloads and shoots again repeatedly until they go off the air. Simply amazing.
HITCHENS: The empty life of this ugly little charlatan proves only one thing: that you can get away with the most extraordinary offenses to morality and to truth in this country if you will just get yourself called Reverend.
Who would, even at your network, have invited on such a little toad to tell us that the attacks of September the 11th were the result of our sinfulness and were God's punishment if they hadn't got some kind of clerical qualification?
People like that should be out in the street, shouting and hollering with a cardboard sign and selling pencils from a cup.
When unexplained violence takes center stage, we tend to turn to modern psychology to explain it.
But there is an alternative explanation, one that has been played out in film, stage and writings since the beginning of history.
Was Cho Seung-Hui schizophrenic … psychotic … manic-depressive? Or were the shooting deaths of 32 people, including Cho himself, at Virginia Tech University part of the ongoing struggle between God and Satan … good against evil … lightness and darkness?
Could Cho have been possessed by the Devil? Could that explain the massacre at Virginia Tech?
Dr. Richard Roberts, president of Oral Roberts University, shouts an unequivocal “Yes!”
“Based on what I’ve seen in the news," Roberts said in an interview, "there’s no doubt that this act was Satanic in origin."
The entire quote is: "I think that nobody wants to play chicken with our troops on the ground." Why would FOX leave out the first four words? Or why not at least include "nobody"? There's plenty of room. I'd love to say that this was a mere oversight, no malicious intent. Their track record, however, doesn't assuage my suspicion.
I don't normally link to a full object at Crooks & Liars, I do read them pretty much every day, but I don't grab the whole damn thing. This one is another story. Take a look at the graphic and try to tell me FOX News, and I only use that term because that's what they've registered themselves as, isn't more useless than crap.
Sorry, "more useless than crap," isn't adequate. Actively destructive to the country. Cancerous to the public discourse. Thrown feces in the national well to cause cholera in public at large. And someone wonders why the Democrats have said go screw to a debate hosted by them.
CBS Fires Don Imus From Radio Show | The Huffington Post
Topic: Media
5:25 pm EDT, Apr 12, 2007
Imus initially was given a two-week suspension, to start Monday, for calling the Rutgers women's basketball team "nappy-headed hos" on the air last week, but outrage continued to grow and advertisers bolted from his programs.
Oops. This is right on par with Jimmy the Greek losing his job for the slaves comment or Cosell getting the axe after "that little monkey gets loose, doesn't he." Stupid.
Ailes, the chairman and CEO of FOX News, will receive the 2006 First Amendment Leadership Award.
Next years nominees are John Adams for the Alien and Sedition Act, Mao Tse Tung for the Cultural Revolution, Papa Doc Duvalier for the Tontons Macoutes and Benito Mussolini for making the trains run on time. Get your votes in early!
Media Matters - Only on Fox: Panel discussed video of
Topic: Media
8:17 pm EST, Jan 2, 2007
HUME: So, you don't want to answer the question, or what?
EASTON: No. There's a reality that a president has to factor in today when you ask the American public to go to war, you need to realize and understand what --
HUME: What the news media can do, right?
EASTON: -- the role of casualties. And the media is not -- it's no longer a question of the media in Iraq. The Pentagon --
HUME: That's it for the panel.
Ah, Faux News, gotta love 'em. When Mort Kondracke and Nina Easton both go the other way and Hume chops off his own panel discussion, and this is on Faux mind you, you have to wonder just how insane the people over there are. Their own talking heads are starting to deviate from the party line.
They can't fold up shop fast enough. The couple of good reporters they have will get jobs at the real news organizations, Brit Hume and Bill Kristol can get sent back to the holes in the ground they were dug up from.