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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

Yahoo! News - Colonoscopy Parties Remove Fear Factor
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:28 pm EST, Mar 22, 2004

] Colonoscopy Parties Remove Fear Factor

Having had one of these, I'm not sure why in god's green earth this would ever be considered a "party activity." It has to rank right up there with "fun with cattle prods" and "Dental surgery, the Marathon Man way."

Yahoo! News - Colonoscopy Parties Remove Fear Factor

Topic: Miscellaneous 12:13 pm EST, Feb  9, 2004

] An anti-American operative in Iraq appealed for help from
] al-Qaida leaders to help spark a sectarian war between
] Shiite and Sunni Muslims in an effort to drive the U.S.
] out of the country, a newspaper reported Monday.

When Howard Dean said he didn't think catching Saddam made the US safer, this is why he was saying it. Our excursion to Iraq has given al-Qaida an opening, and our botched invasion of Afghanistan means that they're still over there and have more sympathy from the average Pakistani because they didn't like us in the first place.

Way to go shrub, you managed to get a secular country into a holy war.


Yahoo! News - Feds Win Right to War Protesters' Records
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:54 pm EST, Feb  7, 2004

] In what may be the first subpoena of its kind in decades,
] a federal judge has ordered a university to turn over
] records about a gathering of anti-war activists.

What the hell? For people who were concerned about things like USAPATRIOT crossing the line, here's your smoking gun.

Yahoo! News - Feds Win Right to War Protesters' Records

Homer Simpson Is A Russkie!
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:32 pm EST, Jan 20, 2004

] Russia has sent in the army to bolster a week-long
] struggle to rescue 10 tons of beer trapped under Siberian
] ice

When asked what the point of this was, the rotund Colonel Simpson is rumored to to have responded "mmmmm... beer..."

Homer Simpson Is A Russkie!

Yahoo! News - Tests Show No Agent in Iraq Mortar Shells
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:16 pm EST, Jan 14, 2004

] Tests by Danish and American experts indicate there is no
] chemical warfare agent in mortar shells unearthed last
] week in southern Iraq

So, just to make sure I have this right, we haven't found any WMDs, the inspectors didn't find any WMDs and in fact, we've even pulled the people LOOKING for the WMDs out of Iraq?

I'm not going to dispute the fact that Saddam was a bad guy and that his kids were total psychos, but the purported reason we blew this stuff up is bullshit. That being the case, why did we REALLY go to war there?

Yahoo! News - Tests Show No Agent in Iraq Mortar Shells - The ship
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:41 pm EST, Jan 13, 2004

I came across this after seeing that the QM2 had set sail on it's maiden voyage. It seems the best known of the three wasn't the only one to end up on the sea bottom, just the best known.

] Titanic was the middle ship of the three new
] super-liners. Her older sister, Olympic, served as a
] reliable member of the White Star fleet until she was
] scrapped in 1935 after striking and sinking the famous
] Nantucket lightship off the eastern cost of the United
] States. Her younger sister, Britannic, met a fate similar
] to that of Titanic during World War I when she struck a
] German mine off the coast of Greece and sank in less than
] an hour. Britannic was originally to be named Gigantic,
] but further reference to size in the wake of the Titanic
] disaster was thought by White Star to go against public
] sentiment. - The ship

Topic: Miscellaneous 6:36 pm EST, Jan 11, 2004

] O'Neill charged that Bush entered office in January 2001
] intent on invading Iraq and was in search of a way to go
] about it.

WMDs? 9/11? Seems that's just the excuse. I think I want to see the rest of this one.


Yahoo! News - Bush Asks Congress for New Immigration Rules
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:31 pm EST, Jan  9, 2004

] But the AFL-CIO labor federation said Bush's proposals
] would create an "underclass" of foreign workers and
] "exacerbate the decline in job quality and job security
] for all workers."

Hmmm... sounds about right to me...

Yahoo! News - Bush Asks Congress for New Immigration Rules

McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Open Letters to People or Entities Who Are Unlikely to Respond
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:51 pm EST, Jan  7, 2004

] Dear Paul Bremer,
] I feel your pain. I, too, have tried to topple dictators,
] usurp power, and occupy foreign nations while trying to
] steel domestic support for military intervention.

Go interesting places!
Meet interesting people!
And kill them!

McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Open Letters to People or Entities Who Are Unlikely to Respond

Yahoo! News - AP: U.S. Offers Tips on Cutting OT Costs
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:02 pm EST, Jan  6, 2004

] Essentially, employees would be working more hours for
] the same pay.

Gotta love when the LABOR Department is showing companies how to pay their workers less.

Yahoo! News - AP: U.S. Offers Tips on Cutting OT Costs

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