"Our faith has always been in direct conflict with the values of the world," DeLay said. "We are, after all, a society that provides abortion on demand, has killed millions of innocent children, degrades the institution of marriage, and all but treats Christianity like some second-rate superstition."
We don't treat Christianity like some second rate superstition, just your version of it which damns women with children they don't have any idea how to deal with, does everything it can to block both birth control and sex education, which might might prevent them from getting that way in the first place, thinks the world was created 6,000 years ago, ignores solid science like evolution, doesn't pay any attention to things like the environment (hey it's here for us to exploit right?) and treats the other billions of members of mankind like second rate people there to exploit (as demonstrated by your trip to the Marianas to okay their child labor sweatshops). Your version of Christianity ranks right up there with breaking a mirror giving you 7 years of bad luck or that thing with spilling salt and tossing it over your shoulder. So it's not a second rate superstition, it's obviously a first rate superstition. DeLay Says Justices 'Don't Get' Criticism - Yahoo! News |