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President Bush Delivers State of the Union Address


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President Bush Delivers State of the Union Address
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:20 pm EST, Feb  1, 2006

Breakthroughs on this and other new technologies will help us reach another great goal: to replace more than 75 percent of our oil imports from the Middle East by 2025.

gee, so he wants us to get 15% of total oil used from somewhere else? Is this because the war which was supposed to pay for itself turned into an utter debacle? We'll remove Saddam, turn Iraq back up to full production and that'll solve the energy problems?

I deliberately avoided watching this because I like my television and wouldn't want it to be injured by showing this imbecile. Frankly, this speech is embarassing. Decrease Gulf oil? Not a problem, there are comments that places like Iran will be well in it's way to dry in 20 years.

Spend money on R&D into alternate energy? Why the hell isn't ExxonMobil doing this? I mean they were over 10 BILLION in the black last quarter. More to the point, his "ideas" for alternate energy (notably the ones on ethanol) are totally bogus. Under the current system it takes roughly a gallon of dead dinosaurs (read oil) to make a gallon of ethanol. He then goes on to talk about wood chips and grass. As any first year science student knows, that doesn't make ethanol, that makes methanol, and methanol and gas don't mix. I guess he missed that in college because he was consuming too much ethanol.

On other topics:
More science teachers and you want them to come from the private sector? Guess what, they're not in education because they're already making more money by not doing it. Who MIGHT you get with this pile of crap? I'm sure the Discovery Institute has a list of people with science degrees who would love to get into a classroom.

Health savings accounts? This helps the Medicare/Medicaid problem how? The people who can afford these aren't the ones who don't have health insurance now and aren't the ones drawing on Medicare/Medicaid. This is not just a straw man, it is one of the worst ideas to come out of a White House just brimming with bad ideas. The poor can't afford these, but will now be blamed for not having them.

On the bright side, he only trotted out 9/11 twice...

President Bush Delivers State of the Union Address

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