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Get MemeStreams Stuff! - Abramoff's dad bashes Clooney's 'ridiculous attack'
Topic: Current Events 2:46 pm EST, Jan 20, 2006

For four generations, our family has worked hard to serve this country we love. I enlisted as a young man of seventeen into the United States Navy, so I could serve my nation in WWII. My brother did the same, and we both served in South Pacific. My son dedicated his life to patriotic and religious causes, which have made this nation great. He gave unsparingly of his time and resources to help those in need.

An open reply to Frank Abramoff:

Mr. Abramoff, I am sorry to say I did not watch the event of which you speak, and I would doubt that the intention of Mr. Clooney was to insult your father, or to insult the service you gave this country. The comment was the sort of sophomoric humor found in high schools across the country, and certainly not in the best of taste.

That being said, your son has pled guilty to working to destroy those very same things that you fought for 65 years ago. He has turned the good name of your father into a curse for all that wrong about politics, and specifically the Republican Party, in America.

Abraham Lincoln said at Gettysburg, "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Your son has worked vigorously to eliminate the "of the people, by the people, for the people" part from that statement, and that statement IS America. It is what separates us from the rest of the world, and makes this a country worthy of the service you gave it.

I am sorry that your family and family name is being dragged down by the actions of your son, but he did it, he admitted doing it, and those actions are against everything that this coutry stands for. Mr. Clooney's insults pale in comparison to the damage done to all of us by Jack's actions. - Abramoff's dad bashes Clooney's 'ridiculous attack'

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