Key results of the demographic survey include:
* Male = 88.5%, Female = 11.5%
* White = 83.3%, Black = 2.0%, Hispanic/Latino = 2.5%, Asian = 7.5%, Other = 4.7%
* Heterosexual = 92%, Lesbian/Gay = 2.7%, Bisexual = 2.7%
* Average age = 31 years
* Average years in the industry = 5.4 years
* Percentage of people with disabilities = 13% (e.g., cognitive, mobility, sight, etc)
* More than 80% have a university level education or greater
* More than 60% of studios claim that obtaining diverse applicants is challenging
I posted this because...
Heterosexual 92%
Lesbian/Gay 2.7%
Bisexual 2.7%
Total 97.4%
Ummmm... that's 2.6% unaccounted for. What are they? Confused? Eunuchs? Nematodes? Just waiting for that VR suit so they don't have to go to cons as "furrys" anymore?