Since February, the Pentagon has notified about 85 inmates or their attorneys that they are eligible to leave after being cleared by military review panels. But only a handful have gone home, including a Moroccan and an Afghan who were released Tuesday. Eighty-two remain at Guantanamo and face indefinite waits as U.S. officials struggle to figure out when and where to deport them, and under what conditions.
So, 80+ people are cleared to go, but are still in lock up because we don't know where they go. And of course, we can't let them go at Gitmo because the only place they can go from there is into the ocean (the Cubans don't want them), nor would they be released into the US because thems is like trrests. They may have been better off if the Bushies had simply murdered them because now they're being killed by inches (which is a great way to make more trrests!). 82 Inmates Cleared but Still Held at Guantanamo - |