,---- | We establish a fund in current time. You make a small | contribution to the fund, and in a few hundred years | that small amount grows to a very large amount. From | that fund, moneys will be taken and used to retrieve | you, perhaps seconds after you join, perhaps even | moments before your recorded death, perhaps some | other point in your lifetime. Further, the fund may | even pay to have you "rejuvenated" medically | (assuming this is scientifically possible at that | time,) and support you financially for a number of | years. (Note: Retrieving you just before the moment | of death is just one possible scenario, but one that | would.... | [. . .] | Our fee is only $10, of which a percentage is placed | into the fund, to grow and earn interest, and the | rest is used to pay for overhead in running the | website, covering legal fees, paying for your | certificate, and maintaining the database of members. | [. . .] | As long as the interest earned out paces inflation | and taxes, the money will eventually build to where | the costs of retrieving, rejuvenating and supporting | you are fully covered. For example, if you make a | one-time only deposit of just a single dollar, at | only 5% interest compounded yearly, in five hundred | years that single dollar will grow to | $39,323,261,827.22 (That's 39 BILLION with a "B" | dollars!) Please note that we hope to earn 5% | interest above taxes and inflation, which is very | possible, even in today's economy (Tax lien | certificates, for example, return 16% or better.) If | we make 5% above taxes and inflation, then it would | be like having $39 billion in today's money. `---- step1: invest $10 step2: travel in time step3: profit ??? The Time Travel Fund[tm] |