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"You will learn who your daddy is, that's for sure, but mostly, Ann, you will just shut the fuck up."
-Henry Rollins |
Cubism for Computer Graphics |
Topic: Movies |
1:59 pm EDT, Sep 10, 2003 |
Movie making in a post-Matrix, computer assisted world... This guy has some really interesting thoughts about conveying lots of information in one frame of film.... but will people be able to handle it, or will it seem too much like they're on drugs... Cubism for Computer Graphics |
Shirky: Fame vs Fortune: Micropayments and Free Content |
Topic: Intellectual Property |
11:51 am EDT, Sep 10, 2003 |
Micropayments, small digital payments of between a quarter and a fraction of a penny, made (yet another) appearance this summer with Scott McCloud's online comic, The Right Number, accompanied by predictions of a rosy future for micropayments. To read The Right Number, you have to sign up for the BitPass micropayment system; once you have an account, the comic itself costs 25 cents. BitPass will fail, as FirstVirtual, Cybercoin, Millicent, Digicash, Internet Dollar, Pay2See, and many others have in the decade since Digital Silk Road, the paper that helped launch interest in micropayments. These systems didn't fail because of poor implementation; they failed because the trend towards freely offered content is an epochal change, to which micropayments are a pointless response. ... The interesting questions are ... how much better collaborative filters will become in locating freely offered material. Shirky: Fame vs Fortune: Micropayments and Free Content |
Topic: Technology |
11:51 am EDT, Sep 10, 2003 |
" He built a prototype for what he thinks could be the future of voting: an agent that mines your online and other computer habits to extract a political ideology, and then makes voting recommendations or more omniously, even casts the ballots for you." Voting by Net Proxy? |
Topic: Society |
12:15 pm EDT, Sep 9, 2003 |
Are blogs the next White Man's Club? This article focuses on how the Dean Campaign has become self-aware that despite the fact that they have garnered incredible support... despite the fact that Howard Dean has a lot of appeal to minorities, the people showing up at the support meetings are DOMINANTLY white. Anecdotally speaking, there are stories of there being one black person at a meeting. Is having the time to look up political candidate web pages a luxury of whites? More like a luxury of the white collar worker. Most of the people that I know who go to the library for their internet access couldn't care less about politics, white or not, but they all do share one thing in common - they can't afford a computer and internet access at home. "PLEASE stop having Meetups at cute white middle-class cafes where everyone looks like you! Each meetup should be scheduled in a place where the people walking by and wondering what's going on are from demographic groups that are harder to reach -- namely, either minorities or the elderly. EVERY retirement home has a meeting room. Have your meetups THERE. Is it sexy? No, but it will reach a group that is eager to be a part of the process. Have your meetups in restaurants in the Hispanic part of town or whatever other group you need to reach. Make the Meetup ITSELF work for you, instead of going there and THEN talking about what to do ...!" Josh's post illustrates how astute many of Dean's supporters are about what it will take to get their man into the White House next year. Even though Dean is now thought of as the Democratic front-runner, many in his online community are constantly chiding each other not to become complacent about the task ahead. The danger that supporters appear most wary of is "preaching to the choir" -- bringing the pro-Dean message only to folks who are already inclined to accept it. Indeed, Richard Hoefer calls this the biggest pitfall of Dean's blog strategy. "I've been at odds with Dean for America because I criticize them for being too blog-centric," he says. "I think they preach to the converted, and it bugs me because I think they're missing the boat. I think Dean has incredible appeal to blacks, Latinos, minorities -- but the message hasn't gotten out there yet because they have been too focused on the blog." Dean's army goes offline |
Reference: Using the vi Editor |
Topic: Computers |
12:12 pm EDT, Sep 9, 2003 |
] Everyone knows they should have a passing knowledge of ] vi, but most people groan at the thought of using it. In ] today's article, I'd like to demonstrate some of the ] tricks that vi has up its sleeve. It really is a powerful ] little editor and I'm constantly amazed at its number of ] built-in shortcuts. A ton of neat little tricks on using "vi". I'm in and out of vi a dozen times a day, and I learned tricks from this page I never knew about! Reference: Using the vi Editor |
FOXNews.com - Top Stories - 12-Year-Old Sued for Music Downloading |
Topic: Intellectual Property |
10:21 am EDT, Sep 9, 2003 |
] The music industry has turned its big legal guns on ] Internet music-swappers - including a 12-year-old ] New York City girl who thought downloading songs was fun. ] ] Brianna LaHara said she was frightened to learn she was ] among the hundreds of people sued yesterday by giant ] music companies in federal courts around the country. FOXNews.com - Top Stories - 12-Year-Old Sued for Music Downloading |