I find this highly amusing. The folks at StopTheACLU think that they're actually going to be able to intervene in the ACLU's lawsuit against the NSA. Intervention is a term of art in the law. It means that you actually get added as a party to the proceedings. An attorney named Debbie Schlussel, who appears to be more of a spokesmodel than a scholar (her bio notes proudly that her online fan club is the second largest, behind only Ann Coulter), is apparently going to file motions to intervene on behalf of citizens who disagree with the ACLU and our pals at StopTheACLU jumped at the chance to be the first ones in line.
[ Oi. I've run into this Schlussel character before in my research. She's basically Coulter Lite... All the Retarded Hate-filled Rhetoric, Now with fewer "people who give a shit". Which is still to many, of course. Anyway, this is pretty fringe stuff, but they're shooting for mainstream media coverage with this... I expect that's the one and only reason they're attempting to do something which appears to be patently impossible. -k] Intervention in NSA Lawsuit - Dispatches from the Culture Wars |