Friends, let us speak candidly: Could is possibly be worth $12 and a 45-minute drive to watch Batman Begins on IMAX? My vote is yes. The series starts over again, they get the killing of Batman's parents correct (insofar as the comics are concerned) and, let's be frank, the previews look kick ass. We've been let down in the past by guns-blazing previews (Blade II, Star Wars Episodes I and II, Transporter,...well, the list goes on and on), but are we so jaded as to allow our entrenched cynicism to preclude us a truly awesome, once-in-a-lifetime experience? Does it matter since I'm only working part time this summer and would have nothing to stop me from trekking up there on Wednesday the 15th? These are the questions that DEMAND answers. -janelane, mirthfully [ Count me in, unless it starts before 6 or something. -k] Batman Begins: Notions of the Experience |