] Thousands of people rioted this week in a village in ] southeastern China, overturning police cars and driving ] away officers who had tried to stop elderly villagers ] protesting against pollution from nearby factories. ] ] By this afternoon, three days after the riot, witnesses ] say crowds had convened in Huaxi Village in Zhejiang ] Province to gawk at a tableau of destroyed police cars ] and shattered windows. Police officers outside the ] village were reportedly blocking reporters from entering ] the scene but local people, reached by telephone, said ] villagers controlled the riot area. [ It seems like this is becoming almost a trend. China's changing a lot, and fast, and I feel like there's a lot of anger that's not going to be resolved simply. The article, I think, mildly suggests that the hubbub over Japan's textbooks was encouraged by the government as a way to distract attention from this event. I dunno, possible I guess. -k] NYT | Thousands of Chinese Villagers Protest Factory Pollution |