] The damage to the bones of this diminutive being %u2014 ] named Homo floresiensis and nicknamed hobbit by ] scientists %u2014 is so extensive that it will limit ] scholarly research on the species, say members of the ] Indonesian Center for Archaeology-based discovery team. ] ] ] Considered the most important discovery in human origins ] in five decades, the remains are marred by broken jaws ] and smashed bones. ] ] ] "The equivalent in the world of art would be somebody ] slashing the Mona Lisa and then trying to fix it with ] chewing gum," says paleontologist Tim White of the ] University of California-Berkeley, who was not on the ] discovery team. [ "Dude! You borrowed my Xbox and then destroyed it!" "No way, it was fine when i boxed it up, i swear..." "But there's soda *inside* the case..." You know, only worse than that. -k] USATODAY.com - Fresh scandal over old bones |