] "I really have seen it dwindle in the last year, and that ] to me is curious," Brenda Melton, a counselor at the ] Navarro Academy in San Antonio, said. "I think part of it ] is that the war is a major topic and they see people ] getting killed over there and not everyone is in ] agreement with it." [ Really? It's curious? Makes perfect sense to me. We're in the middle of a war which has, maybe, 50% support among the populace, and from which we have daily casualty reports and imagery. Despite the best efforts of the Bush administration to portray this as a morally imperative war, people are skeptical, and I don't think it's surprising at all that fewer folks are thinking about a nice long stint in americas armed forces. Though maybe i'm wrong... what are the numbers for regular enlistment like? Have they gone up or down? We're not in the greatest economy at the moment... doesn't that tend to drive up enlistments? I would think, if those are down as well, at a time like this, that doesn't bode well for current levels of actual support for the current war plan (or lack thereof), the election notwithstanding. Plenty of people have supported this war. I wonder how many put their bodies where their mouth is. -k] Military Academy Admission Down |