] As a member of the court, Gonzales ruled with the ] majority that some teenage girls should not be required ] to get parental permission for an abortion. ] ] In his opinion on the ruling, Gonzales wrote, "While the ] ramifications of such a law may be personally troubling ] to me as a parent, it is my obligation as a judge to ] impartially apply the laws of this state without imposing ] my moral view on the decisions of the legislature." I posted a story about this earlier, which I've deleted. This one is better. Earlier I said that "the radical right doesn't trust him either." More to a point, the radical right doesn't trust him because he was not an activist judge. [ Good point. The "activist judge" line always struck me as odd, coming typically from people whose moralism pushes them to seek judicial support for their principles. I have mixed feelings about Gonzalez himself, but my baseline assessment is that he'll be an improvement. I'll have to research a great deal more before I can speak intelligently about him. -k] CNN.com - Gonzales nomination angers abortion foes - Nov 11, 2004 |