] A nasty flyer has turned up in Tennesse politics which ] depicts a handicapped athlete running on a track with ] George Bush's face pasted on. ] ] ] The text reads: ] ] ] Voting for Bush is Like Running in the Special Olympics ] -- Even if You Win, You're Still Retarded. ] ] ] The Traditional Values Coalition and other right wing ] operations in the South jumped on this fast alleging that ] Tennessee Democrat Craig Fitzhugh's office, which shares ] space with the Kerry/Edwards Campaign, was distributing ] this flyer. [ And for those of you who think it's untenable to accuse the GOP of acting in this way, I urge you to look back in my memestream to yesterday. Read Green's piece in the Atlantic Monthly, re: Karl Rove, who utilized this exact tactic in an Alabama Supreme Court race. It's entirely possible that some silly kid is behind it... This one seems a little amateurish for a Rove maneuver, but it's not out of the question that this activity is more than a prank. -k] The Washington Note Archives |