Oh Yeah! The sequel -- titled "The Passion of the Clerks" -- is set to begin shooting in January. Miramax Films, which turned the original into a cult-hit after buying it at the Sundance Film Festival, plans to distribute the follow-up. ... So far, he said he has gotten only positive responses from the people who have read the script, so he decided to move forward with it. Both O'Halloran and Anderson are signed on, and Jason Mewes, will return as stoner Jay, the "hetero life-mate" of Smith's stoic Silent Bob. "hetero life-mate" ? Hmmm. Interesting use of words... [ They're Jay's words, actually... It's from one of the later films, though for the moment my brainful of trivia is failing me as to which, or if maybe it was in more than one... -k] Kevin Smith plans 'Clerks' sequel |