] "We want to bombard (the Republican sites) with so much ] traffic that nobody can get in," said CrimethInc, a ] member of the so-called Black Hat Hackers Bloc. It's one ] of several groups planning to distribute software tools ] to reload Republican sites over and over again. These ] FloodNet programs are similar to hackers' distributed ] denial-of-service attacks, which overwhelm a server with ] thousands and thousands of simultaneous requests for ] information. [ These fucksticks again?! Jesus, would someone please deny them their first amendment rights? The article notes that jackass from HOPE too. I feel like JK needs to get on this now, come out strongly against this shit, and call for proscecuting these morons the same way you would any other DDoS attacker. Because if some shit happens, you can bet the wingers will do everything they can to tie such shenanigans directly to the kerry campaign. Take two minutes now to avoid an ugly news cycle later. -k] Wired News: Hackers Take Aim at GOP |