] IT IS TRUE, as national security adviser Condoleezza Rice ] told the Sept. 11 commission, that "bold and ] comprehensive changes are sometimes only possible in the ] wake of catastrophic events." Yet it is also true that ] the kind of far-reaching overhaul of the nation's ] intelligence community recommended by the commission ] requires careful deliberation. A rush to reform driven by ] the election calendar could yield an ill-considered ] system that would take years to fix. Better to go more ] slowly and get it right -- especially considering that ] the changes will be made in the heat of battle, as the ] latest warnings serve to remind. [ Good article detailing the way the commission report is being handled by both sides... which is to say, not so well. Notes that while Bush is paying lip service to the NID concept from the report, the reality of his proposal misses most key points, and does little more than recast the DCI role slightly. Meanwhile, Kerry is yammering about foot dragging essentially. Not that he has much of a choice... calling for a slower, more calculated approach would be an instant "soft on security" attack fest. I call for a National Deep Breath... lets not enshrine any more busted processes. We've got plenty of those, it would seem. -k] Rush to Reorganize (washingtonpost.com) |