] Federal safety data has shown for years that booming ] sales of S.U.V.'s and large pickup trucks are adding to ] the death toll of people riding in cars, particularly in ] side-impact accidents. At the same time, S.U.V.'s and ] pickup trucks do not, as a class, better protect their ] own occupants, because they tend to be less stable and ] more prone to rollovers than passenger cars. Guess what: if you're in a sedan and you get t-boned by an SUV, you're fucked. [ Proper fucked. This is a disturbing trend. Bad drivers want to feel safer so they get into massive trucks which are presumed to be more likely to protect them. Meanwhile they obliterate the poor sap they've caromed into because they were busy yammering on they cell phone while hauling their 4 rugrats to soccer practice. It'd be a lot safer to just put down the cell phone and learn how to drive. p.s. most volvo drivers suck too. for the same reasons. -k] Struck in Side, Many Cars Fare Poorly in Safety Test |